The aim of this research is to historically reconstruct the main features of the processes of disciplinary professionalisation and renewal of forms, contents and methodologies that urbanism, photography and design experienced, both in Germany and Argentina, during the first half of the 20th century. The hypothesis poses that the figure of empathy and the experience of vision towards the end of the 19th century contributed to the foundation of a new paradigm of perception through which it is possible to jointly reinterpret the historical circulation of modernist ideas during the 20th century. Thus, the syntax of empathic and visual perception constitutes the focus of analysis that will shed light on three highly significant experiences of this global historical process in order to demonstrate how each of them contributed to a common way of perceiving space and forms.
Weniger anzeigenFood innovations offering new sources of protein as well as new urban food production aims to provide solution s for food production under restricted res ource s The alternative protein sources and urban agriculture are not part of the daily lives in Germany Involving the public in research on food innovations not only helps to increase consumer acceptance Tuorila Hartmann, 2020 but also can facilitate more responsible research and innovation To date, o nly few studies have investigated consumer acceptance of new food solutions in Germany (Weinrich Elshiewy 2019 and little is know n about the consumers’ perceptions of innovations with longer time horizons Therefore, the present study investigates the public perceptions o f selected food innovations ( crickets, halophytes, jellyfish and urban food production in Germany
Weniger anzeigenIn der Agrar und Nahrungsmittelindustrie (Agro Food) kommen viele zentrale Herausforderungen unserer Zeit zusammen Daher arbeiten politische Entscheidungsträger innen Forscher innen und Praktiker innen intensiv an einem fundamentalen Systemwandel, bei dem Innovation eine wesentliche Rolle spielt Trotz guter Absichten wird der nachhaltige Einfluss von F&E auf Transformation durch unvorhergesehene Konsequenzen, Systemdynamiken und komplexitäten gefährdet (Mao et al 2020 Ein möglicher Forschungsansatz, um sich diesen Herausforderungen zu stellen, ist Foresight Es ist jedoch schwierig, die Komplexität von Transformationsprozessen in Foresight Aktivitäten zu reflektieren Dadurch bleiben Interdependenzen zwischen technologischem und sozialem Wandel häufig unbeachtet Wir adressieren diese Lücke mit Hilfe eines Foresight Prozesses, der die Wünschbarkeit zukünftiger Future Food Optionen für eine nachhaltige Agro Food Systemtransformation in Deutschland zur Diskussion stellt, und die Zukunftsoptionen vor dem Hintergrund von Systemkomplexität und interdependenzen während sozio technologischer Veränderungen neu bewertet
Weniger anzeigenEsta tesis versa sobre la historia de la cultura de viaje del turismo en Nicaragua durante la dictadura somocista (1936-1979), en cuanto a su surgimiento, desenvolvimiento y consolidación en el siglo veinte como un proyecto de desarrollo y modernización de la nación nicaragüense. El objetivo principal es historizar dos procesos centrales del turismo como proyecto de desarrollo nacional liderado por el régimen de los Somoza, la institucionalización por parte del Estado y la naturalización del turismo por parte de las élites nicaragüenses. Para ello se analizan y se reconstruyen las historias de la infraestructura y la narrativa de viaje en Nicaragua, especialmente de la Carretera Panamericana y las conexiones aeronáuticas junto con sus guías de viaje, debido a que ambas historias demuestran la imbricación de los actores regionales y nacionales en la invención de la nación nicaragüense como un inventario de atracciones a ser integradas en los mercados internacionales del turismo. La conclusión principal es que el turismo fue una empresa delineada por los ejes del imperialismo y el somocismo, en cuanto se estructuró como proyecto de nación en base a los fundamentos económicos, políticos y, sobre todo, raciales, patriarcales y dictatoriales que dominaron las relaciones entre Estados Unidos y Nicaragua, especialmente durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la Guerra Fría.
Weniger anzeigenMotivated by the recent surge in union drives, we present a theoretical model of the factors that influence unionization. An employee seeking to unionize their workplace assembles organizers to persuade coworkers to vote in favor. If unionization benefits workers, it is more likely to succeed when the organizers are credible. Credibility depends on the organizers not being overly biased and/or bearing significant organizational costs. Our theory explains why grassroots movements, rather than established unions, often succeed in organizing workplaces. Interestingly, the likelihood of successful unionization, when it benefits workers, is non-monotonic with respect to organizational costs. When such costs are low, a firm that opposes unionization and targets organizers may paradoxically increase the chances of success. However, the unionization drive is ineffective if the firm’s opposition is sufficiently strong, as this makes organizational costs prohibitive.
Weniger anzeigenThis study explores the factors influencing household overcrowding using longitudinal survey data from Germany spanning the years 1985 to 2022. As average square meters per capita have declined for urban tenants, we find that overcrowding rates have substantially increased since 2012: By 2022, 11% of the population lived in overcrowded housing (Eurostat definition), while up to 19% of individuals subjectively felt overcrowded. At the same time, under-occupation also rose, with 39% of dwellings objectively classified as under-occupied, and 16% of residents subjectively perceiving their homes as under-occupied. We demonstrate that the likelihood of entering, experiencing, and remaining in overcrowded housing increases in early adulthood and decreases over the life cycle. Moreover, we find that, after controlling for socio-demographic characteristics such as the number of children or a migration background, economic factors contribute relatively little to explaining the likelihood of living in an overcrowded household. In policy terms, our paper highlights a misallocation of housing space and the need for housing policies to target particular vulnerable groups at high risk of overcrowding.
Weniger anzeigenAngesichts globaler Krisen und großer gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen bedarf es einer Bildung, die Menschen zur aktiven Teilhabe an den notwendigen Veränderungsprozessen befähigt. Der OECD-Lernkompass 2030 ist ein Rahmenkonzept zur Entwicklung von Curricula und definiert zentrale Schlüsselkompetenzen, die Schüler:innen zur Zukunftsgestaltung befähigen sollen. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht, auf Basis des OECD-Lernkompasses 2030, ob und in welcher Form zukunftsgestaltende Kompetenzen in den Berliner Rahmenlehrplänen der Sekundarstufe I verankert sind. Die qualitative Inhaltsanalyse von 16 Rahmenlehrplänen zeigt, dass das im OECD-Lernkompass 2030 beschriebene Bild einer gestaltbaren und offenen Zukunft in den Dokumenten nicht konsequent verankert ist. Stattdessen liegt der Schwerpunkt überwiegend auf der Vorbereitung auf die Zukunft. Anknüpfungspunkte zu den Transformationskompetenzen – Schaffung neuer Werte, Umgang mit Spannungen und Dilemmata, sowie Verantwortungsübernahme – sind in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß in den Dokumenten zu finden. Die Arbeit hebt hervor, dass insbesondere für die Kompetenzen Umgang mit Spannungen und Dilemmata sowie Verantwortungsübernahme bereits zahlreiche Anknüpfungspunkte in den Lehrplänen vorhanden sind. Die Arbeit diskutiert verschiedene Ansätze, um zukunftsgestaltende Kompetenzen in künftigen Lehrplanrevisionen systematisch zu verankern.
Weniger anzeigenHistory shows militarily dominant states that pursue imperialism, relying on their might to extort resources from weaker states. Occasionally, the latter revolt and the dominant state suffers some casualties. This paper explores imperialism along steady-growth paths. If the dominant state maximizes domestic welfare, it should eventually abandon imperialism because its safety costs asymptotically overrun its material benefits. To shed light on diametrically opposed historical records, I propose a model of endogenous ideology and war bias in which the political elite cares about self-image. If that concern is strong enough, the political elite gradually identifies with its country’s mission of hegemony and imperialism persists. It is first driven by material concerns and later by ideal ones. Despite its divergent preferences, the population of a dominant state generally has little interest to oppose imperialism.
Weniger anzeigenRecently, there is a growing interest in understanding how individuals adapt to changing climate conditions and climate-induced extreme weather events. An underexplored question is whether and how climate-related natural hazards affect household saving behavior. For this purpose, we exploit a natural experiment stemming from the European Flood of August 2002. Combining micro data with geo-coded flood maps allows us to analyze the causal impact of flood exposure on household savings within a differences-in-differences setting. We find that flood exposure depresses household saving behavior in the medium run. The most likely explanation is moral hazard induced by massive government support for affected households.
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Dan Everett is a renowned linguist with an unparalleled breadth of contributions, ranging from fieldwork to linguistic theory, including phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, historical linguistics, philosophy of language, and philosophy of linguistics. Born on the U.S. Mexican border, Daniel Everett faced much adversity growing up and was sent as a missionary to convert the Pirahã in the Amazonian jungle, a group of people who speak a language that no outsider had been able to become proficient in. Although no Pirahã person was successfully converted, Everett successfully learned and studied Pirahã, as well as multiple other languages in the Americas. Ever steadfast in pursuing data-driven language science, Everett debunked generativist claims about syntactic recursion, for which he was repeatedly attacked. In addition to conducting fieldwork with many understudied languages and revolutionizing linguistics, Everett has published multiple works for the general public: "Don’t sleep, there are snakes, Language: The cultural tool, and how language began". This book is a collection of 15 articles that are related to Everett’s work over the years, released after a tribute event for Dan Everett that was held at MIT on June 8th 2023.
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In 1826, as nationalism first began percolating through the Habsburg lands, Jan Herkel published a Latin-language Slavic grammar. Herkel, a lawyer and amateur linguist, came from the northern counties the Kingdom of Hungary which now form the Slovak Republic. Though he was inspired by a romantic love of his native language, Herkel imagined a single "Slavic language," divided into various "dialects." He proposed a single grammar for the whole Slavic world, attempting to encompass and yet restrain the diversity of orthography, morphology, phonology, and so forth found across Slavic varieties. Herkel was also the coiner of the term "panslavism", which he used to describe his efforts. This book provides the first English translation of Herkel's noteworthy grammar, with short notes. The book also contains a preface and explanatory essays by co-translators Raf Van Rooy and Alexander Maxwell. The preface introduces the topic of the book. Maxwell then gives a biography of Herkel, discusses linguistic nationalism in Slavic northern Hungary, and the legacy of panslavism. Van Rooy explores Herkel's key notion of the "genius" of the Slavic language as the legacy of early modern linguistic thought.
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This book presents a new methodology for the study of historical varieties, particularly a language’s early history. Using the German language’s first attestations as a case study, it offers an alternative to structuralist approaches to historical syntax, with their emphasis on delineating the shapes and mechanisms of early grammars. This focus has prompted Germanists to treat the data from the eighth- and ninth-century corpus with suspicion in that its texts are either poetic or translational. That is, if the unquestioned object of inquiry is a historical cognitive grammar, one ought to isolate – and perhaps discount entirely – data that are the product of confounding factors, like a poetic meter or a Latin source text. Otherwise, these competence-obscuring examples risk undermining scholars’ understanding of a genuine early German grammar.
Rather than this “deficit approach,” the current volume proposes that scholars treat each early attestation as an artifact of “literization,” the process through which people transform their exclusively oral varieties into a written variety. Each historical text features a scriptus, that is, an ad hoc, idiosyncratic, and localized literization created by a person (or team of people) for a particular purpose. The challenge of understanding texts in this way lies in the fact that there is little to no direct evidence pointing to the specific identities of early medieval literizers, their motivations, and the nature of the multiple spoken competencies that fed into their scripti.
In order to conceptualize early medieval German and the syntactic variation it exhibits as a sociolinguistic phenomenon, this book details the linguistic resources that were available to the literizer and are, happily, accessible to the modern researcher. First, there is Latin. Though illiterate in their own multilectal vernacular in the sense that no German scriptus existed until they developed it, literizers were educated in this highly literized language and the classical metalinguistic discourse, known as grammatica, that was associated with it. Second, there are the linguistic patterns of elaborated orality, that is, the varieties that are characteristic of public life and the oral tradition in exclusively oral communities. Though the patterns of a peculiarly German elaborated orality are lost to history, those of other traditions and cultures are attested and should also inform how scholars conceive of a multilectal early German.
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A substantial proportion of what is discoverable about the structure of many Aboriginal languages spoken on the vast Australian continent before their decimation through colonial invasion is contained in nineteenth-century grammars. Many were written by fervent young missionaries who traversed the globe intent on describing the languages spoken by “heathens”, whom they hoped to convert to Christianity. Some of these documents, written before Australian or international academic institutions expressed any interest in Aboriginal languages, are the sole record of some of the hundreds of languages spoken by the first Australians, and many are the most comprehensive. These grammars resulted from prolonged engagement and exchange across a cultural and linguistic divide that is atypical of other early encounters between colonised and colonisers in Australia. Although the Aboriginal contributors to the grammars are frequently unacknowledged and unnamed, their agency is incontrovertible.
This history of the early description of Australian Aboriginal languages traces a developing understanding and ability to describe Australian morphosyntax. Focus on grammatical structures that challenged the classically trained missionary-grammarians – the description of the case systems, ergativity, bound pronouns, and processes of clause subordination – identifies the provenance of analyses, development of descriptive techniques, and paths of intellectual descent. The corpus of early grammatical description written between 1834 and 1910 is identified in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 discusses the philological methodology of retrieving data from these grammars. Chapters 3–10 consider the grammars in an order determined both by chronology and by the region in which the languages were spoken, since colonial borders regulated the development of the three schools of descriptive practice that are found to have developed in the pre-academic era of Australian linguistic description.
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This volume results from the workshop "Discourse obligates – How and why discourse limits the way we express what we express" at the 44th Annual Meeting of the German Linguistic Society in Tübingen, Germany. The workshop brought - and this book brings - together information-structural and information-theoretic perspectives on optional variation between linguistic encodings. Previously, linguistic phenomena like linearization, the choice between syntactic constructions or the distribution of ellipsis have been investigated from an information-structural or information-theoretic perspective, but the relationship between these approaches remains underexplored.
The goal of this book is to look more in detail into how information structure and information theory contribute to explaining linguistic variation, to what extent they explain different encoding choices and whether they interact in doing so. Using experimental and corpus-based methods, the contributions investigate this on different languages, historical stages and levels of linguistic analysis.
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