The goal of this work is to develop a numerical method combining Radial Basic Functions (RBF) kernel and a high order algorithm based on Taylor series and homotopy continuation method. The local RBF approximation applied in strong form allows us to overcome the difficulties of numerical integration and to treat problems of large deformations. Furthermore, the high order algorithm enables to transform the nonlinear problem to a set of linear problems. Determining the optimal value of the shape parameter in RBF kernel is still an outstanding research topic. This optimal value depends on density and distribution of points and the considered problem for e.g. boundary value problems, integral equations, delay-differential equations etc. These have been extensively attempts in literature which end up choosing this optimal value by tests and error or some other ad-hoc means. Our contribution in this paper is to suggest a new strategy using radial basis functions kernel with an automatic reasonable choice of the shape parameter in the nonlinear case which depends on the accuracy and stability of the results. The computational experiments tested on some examples in structural analysis are performed and the comparison with respect to the state of art algorithms from the literature is given.