The spin-crossover (SCO) properties of the dinuclear complex [{Fe(H2B(pz)2)2}2μ−(ac(bipy)2)] were studied as (sub)-monolayer and thin film deposited by an ultra-high vacuum liquid-jet deposition technique on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. A comparison of the SCO properties of thin films and a dropcast sample indicates that the spin-switching probability of the thin films is limited due to substrate–molecule interactions. The maximum percentage of molecules in the low-spin (LS) state observed for 0.7 and 1.8 monolayers (ML) is approximately 43 % at a temperature of 80 K in comparison to the dropcast sample where ≈ 66 % of the complex is in the LS state. The similar switching properties of the dropcast sample as of a bulk powder sample confirm that the SCO properties are not affected by the presence of solvent necessary for deposition. The soft-X-ray-induced excited spin-state trapping (SOXIESST) effect is pronounced in all samples, although the light-induced high-spin (HS) fraction of the dropcast and the thin-film samples on HOPG is higher as compared to the HS fraction attained by SOXIESST, which confirms the sensitivity of the complex to light.
Weniger anzeigenDer Datensatz enthält Minutenwerte der meteorologischen Messgrößen Luftdruck, Niederschlag, Luftfeuchtigkeit, Beleuchtungsstärke und Lufttemperatur (mittels verschiedener Sensoren gemessen und modelliert), die mit dem Messgerät MESSI erhoben wurden. Der MESSI (Mein eigenes Subskalen Messinstrument für atmosphärische Größen) ist eine kostengünstige Wetterstation für Citizen Science Projekte, die an der Freien Universität entworfen wurde.
Zudem beinhaltet der Datensatz auch Messungen von Wetterstationen der Firma Pessl Instruments, die die Messgrößen Lufttemperatur, Luftfeuchtigkeit und Niederschlag beinhalten. Bei diesen Stationen ist die minimale Messfrequenz 5 Minuten. Alle 98 Messstationen wurden dabei vornehmlich in Kleingärten von teilnehmenden Bürger:innen platziert. Die Messungen fokussierten sich jeweils auf die Sommermonate 2023, wobei vereinzelte Stationen auch über einen längeren Zeitraum gemessen haben.
Weniger anzeigenData for Dissertation
This dataset presents detailed coverage information derived from catalogs of CO₂ jet deposit features—fans and blotches—observed at the Martian South Pole. Generated using high-resolution HiRISE imagery from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), the dataset quantifies the spatial extent and distribution of these seasonal deposits across multiple Martian years. The coverage data is crucial for understanding the dynamics of CO₂ sublimation and its interaction with surface and atmospheric processes.
The coverage metrics were calculated from annotated features compiled through contributions from the citizen science project Planet Four and advanced clustering algorithms. Each dataset entry includes coverage percentages, and the tile and image identifiers. The data spans several key regions of interest, providing insights into Martian polar processes.
This coverage dataset is a valuable resource for planetary scientists, climate modelers, and researchers focused on Martian seasonal dynamics and atmospheric coupling.
Weniger anzeigenThis dataset comprises comprehensive catalogs of CO₂ jet deposit features—fans and blotches—captured at the Martian South Pole. Derived from High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) imagery onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), the catalogs were developed as part of a thesis exploring seasonal sublimation-driven processes and their implications for Martian surface-atmosphere interactions. The data was created through an extensive workflow, including contributions from the citizen science project Planet Four, advanced density-based clustering (DBSCAN), and ground-projection techniques to generate geographic coordinates. Each entry includes detailed metadata such as location, morphology, orientation, and classification into either fan or blotch types. Additionally, we also provide multiple catalogs including more metadata. The dataset serves as a vital resource for planetary scientists, atmospheric modelers, and researchers studying Martian polar dynamics. It provides foundational data for investigating surface-atmosphere coupling, wind patterns, and the spatial-temporal behavior of seasonal CO₂ jet deposits.
Weniger anzeigenDer Datensatz enthält Minutenwerte der meteorologischen Messgrößen Luftdruck, Niederschlag, Luftfeuchtigkeit, Beleuchtungsstärke und Lufttemperatur (mittels verschiedener Sensoren gemessen und modelliert), die mit dem Messgerät MESSI erhoben wurden. Der MESSI (Mein eigenes Subskalen Messinstrument für atmosphärische Größen) ist eine kostengünstige Wetterstation für Citizen Science Projekte, die an der Freien Universität entworfen wurde. Zudem beinhaltet der Datensatz auch Messungen von Wetterstationen der Firma Pessl Instruments, die die Messgrößen Lufttemperatur, Luftfeuchtigkeit und Niederschlag beinhalten. Bei diesen Stationen ist die minimale Messfrequenz 5 Minuten. Alle 38 Messstationen wurden dabei vornehmlich in Kleingärten von teilnehmenden Bürger:innen platziert. Die Messungen fokussierten sich jeweils auf die Sommermonate 2022, wobei vereinzelte Stationen auch über einen längeren Zeitraum gemessen haben.
Weniger anzeigenFrühmoderne gedruckte Erzähltexte sind multimodal. ORDNEL bietet eine möglichst vollständige Druckübersicht mit detaillierten Informationen zur Multimodalität gedruckter deutscher und niederländischer Erzählliteratur bis 1800 (Griseldis; Reineke Fuchs; Fortunatus), die zu den Top Ten Erzähltexten im frühmodernen Europa gehören. Insgesamt sind 319 Drucke in 1069 Exemplaren erfasst. Jeder Eintrag bietet folgende Angaben: Autor:in/Übersetzer:in, Titel, Druckort, Drucker:in(verleger:in), Verleger:in, Entstehungsjahr, Quelle der Information, Kollation, Umfang des Drucks in Seiten, Format, Titelblattholzschnitt, Holzschnitte, Anzahl der Wiederholungen der Holzschnitte, Künstler:in. Im Hinblick auf die Überlieferung werden Angaben zur Zahl der Exemplare, zu den Exemplaren in den Bibliotheken und Archiven und zu den Digitalisaten der Drucke gemacht. Ebenso sind Angaben zur Sekundärliteratur, Bemerkungen zu inhaltlichen, formalen und paratextuellen Aspekten sowie zur Sprache erfasst (Stand: Februar 2024).
Weniger anzeigenStructures of carbon nanotubes covalently functionalized with charge-transfer groups.
This dataset contains 16 simulation cases which are driven by the same large-scale forcing and exposed to a rough surface. Members of the parametric set of simulations differ by stable density stratification, which is imposed via a Dirichlet boundary condition (viz. constant temperature difference between upper and lower domain boundary). The cases are labelled by their ID (N, S001,..., S128, ..., S256P) according to the stratification measured by the Richardson number Ri_Λ; N stands for neutral stratification, S for stable. The simulations were carried out sequentially in time starting from the neutral case N, a suffix P indicates three concurrent runs for very stable stratification (S128P, S192P, S256P). Here the bulk Richardson number Ri_B is evaluated based on the boundary layer thickness of the neutrally stratified case N such that it does not evolve over the course of simulation. The choice of Re_Λ = 5x10^5 corresponds to Re_D = 1000 (Re_D = DG/ν, with the laminar Ekman-layer depth D = (2ν/f)^0.5 ) and a friction Reynolds number Re_τ ≈ 2700 for the neutrally stratified case. Two computational grids are used: (A) 3840x704x3840, (B) 3840x576x3840 with similar spatial resolution of approximately 2.6x1.0x2.6 wall units and a domain size in terms of the Rossby radius of 0.27x0.26x0.27 for grid (A), and 0.27x0.11x0.27 for grid (B). This dataset contains a PDF file outlining the simulation setup and description of the variables contained in the netCDF files. A detailed description of the methodology and implementation is found in the git repository, which contains the relevant code and a manual.
Weniger anzeigenThe Mars 2020 Terrain Relative Navigation HiRISE Orthorectified Image Mosaic provided by USGS was used together with the pixel-aligned HRSC color data to produce a pan-sharpened color mosaic that retains the original spatial resolution of 50 cm per pixel. The pansharpening method used here is HSV color space conversion. The HRSC color processing is described in Michael et al. (2016). An overview of the HRSC processing methodology and product characteristics is described in Gwinner et al., 2016.
Weniger anzeigenThis CSV file records the search results for terms "etat AND armes" and "etat AND artillerie" (condition/inventory AND weapons, condition/inventory AND artillery) from documents relating to the Caribbean, Louisiana and Guyana colonies of the First Colonial Empire collection, held at the French Archives nationales d'outremer (Overseas archives). The results range from 1675 to 1815. The file records the search term, archive directory and code of the record, date of the record, kind of record, title, and availability online. It then records whether the record includes any remarks on the condition of weapons/artillery (as opposed to simply recording numbers), and if so whether problems are noted, whether those noted problems are related to decay or climate, and finally whether mention is specifically made of rust/oxidisation. This data is intended to support the RUSTEE project; specifically, research into how the claims made in travel narratives about the problems with rusting equipment in different climates (Ligon 1673, Ellis 1748) are or are not reflected in routine colonial administrative correspondance in France's equatorial American colonies. It should also be useful to researchers interested more generally in the role of the island environment, climate and weather in European colonial projects.
Weniger anzeigenThe dataset contains shape-files of the valleys and deltas in the Jezero crater on Mars: 1) initial and last incision valleys for the western inlet, northern inlet and outlet; 2) minimum, medium and maximum extents of the western and northern deltas. The mapping was done in ArcGIS 10.8.2 using CTX and HiRISE data (Planetary Data System Imaging Node https://pds-874 and HRSC data (data archives of ESA and NASA and [Walter et al., 2018]). For the minimum extent of the western delta a GIS version of the map of [Stack et al., 2020] was used. Details of mapping are described in [Ovchinnikova A. et al. A modeling approach for water and sediment transport in Jezero crater on Mars based on new geomorphological evidence. Icarus (accepted)].
Weniger anzeigen"Old Babylonian Freie" ist ein digitaler Schriftsatz für Keilschrift. Er ist inspiriert von Catherine Mittermayers "Albabylonische Zeichenliste der sumerisch-literarischen Texte" (aBZL) und wurde für das Institut der Altorientalistik der Freien Universität Berlin erstellt.