Ströh, Christiane
Table of Contents Part A – Introduction 1 Setting the Stage: Trends in
Microfinance, Focus of the Study, and State of the Art…1 1.1 Origins and
recent tendencies in ‘finance for the poor‘, purpose and structure of the
study…2 1.2 State of the art: Approaches related to pro-poor financial sector
development…16 1.2.1 Defining and assessing financial sector development and
access…16 Defining access and usage of financial services…16
Frameworks modelling financial sector development and the focus on pro-poor
access…19 Recent studies assessing access to finance on pro-poor
access…22 1.2.2 Frameworks assessing the impact and relevance of microfinance
and related results…25 1.2.3 Evidence on demand-side characteristics and usage
patterns of financial services by the poor…30 1.3 Research design and
structure of the study…32 1.3.1 Research design, methodology and case
selection…33 1.3.2 Data sources on access to finance and for the Peruvian case
…39 Part B – Development of the Framework 2 Conceptualizing Poverty and Pro-
Poor (Financial) Development: Sen’s Capability Approach…47 2.1 Poverty as lack
of freedom: Definitions and dimensions of poverty by the poor…49 2.2
‘Development as freedom’ and Sen’s understanding of poverty and pro-poor
development…52 2.3 Links between Sen’s capability approach and the provision
of financial services for the poor…58 3 Theoretical Approaches on the
Relevance of Financial Services for the Poor 3.1 Financial functions, types of
entrepreneurs and modes of production…62 3.1.1 Financial functions in the
economic process…63 3.1.2 Schumpeter’s entrepreneur and his banker: The
crucial role of the financial system…65 3.1.3 Structural heterogeneity and the
importance of different modes of production…67 3.2 Finance and pro-poor
economic development: Family-led economies and their needs for financial
services…69 3.2.1 Characteristics of family-led economies…69 3.2.2 Family-led
economies and their relation to financing…73 3.2.3 Life cycle and risk-related
financial needs…78 4 Relevance of Financial Services for Poor Populations…84
4.1 The relevance of financial services for poor populations from a micro
perspective…91 4.1.1 Usage patterns of financial instruments and strategies by
low-income households and family-led businesses…92 4.1.2 Direct effects of
financial services for family-led economies from a micro perspective…102 Consequences of the complex financial lives of the poor…102
Direct effects related to the use of informal financial services…104
Direct effects of the widespread focus on borrowing and the importance of
regulation and consumer protecti-on…106 Direct effects in terms of
access to additional services…109 4.2 The relevance of financial services for
low-income population from an aggregated perspective…111 4.2.1 Direct effects
of financial services for family-led economies…112 Access from an
aggregated perspective: Availability of financial services across different
groups and locations …112 Usage patterns and aggregated tendencies:
Changing opportunities and risks…112 Scope and focus in service
delivery…113 Financial resources circulating and the local economy…114 Changes in local financial markets…115 4.2.2 Indirect economic effects
of financial services for family-led economies…117 The situation and
development of local MSMEs…119 Labour market effects…122
Market dynamics, competition and cooperation in local markets…123
Strengthening individual MSMEs…125 Measures enhancing joint MSMEs’
performance and local development…127 4.2.3 Wider social effects of financial
services for family-led economies…130 Dimensions and dynamics in
social change…131 Human, cultural, and symbolic capital…134
Social capital: Bonding, bridging, and linking…135 Some underlying
factors…137 5 The Comprehensive Pro-Poor Financial Sector Development
Framework…141 5.1 The proposed pro-poor financial sector development approach:
Framing relevant dimensions and categories…142 5.1.1 Sen’s capability approach
and opportunities in pro-poor financial sector development…142 5.1.2 Porteous’
categories for grasping accessibility and appropriateness…143 5.1.3
Schreiner’s categories of outreach as a basis for the dimensions of pro-poor
financial sector development…145 5.2 Dimensions, analytical categories and
indicators of the comprehensive pro-poor financial sector development
framework…148 Part C – Application of the Framework 6 The Pro-Poor Financial
Sector Development Framework Applied to the Case of Peruvian Microfinance…165
6.1 Socioeconomic context, lines of marginalization, and the importance of
family-led enterprises in Peru…166 6.1.1 Socioeconomic context and poverty…166
6.1.2 Employment situation and micro, small, and medium enterprises…170 6.2
Microfinance in Peru: A short introduction from supply and demand sides…174
6.2.1 Financial market and microfinance development…175 6.2.2 The demand-side:
Usage of microfinance services …188 6.2.3 Products relevant to microfinance
clients…194 6.3 Analyzing pro-poor financial sector development in Peru…200
6.3.1 Scope of outreach…201 Product diversity offered and related key
characteristics…202 Scope of products for new, poor, and marginalized
customers…213 Scope of products for different kinds of MSME
clients…214 Product mix offered…217 6.3.2 Cost of outreach: Product-
related cost of financial services offered…219 6.3.3 Breadth of outreach …237 Access points for microfinance clients…237 Market coverage
among microfinance clients…243 6.3.4 Depth of outreach…251 Access
points for poor populations…251 Market coverage among the poor…254
6.3.5 Length of outreach…258 Security of clients’ deposits and
reliable service provision…259 Indebtedness of clients…260
Continuity of service provision…262 6.3.6 Different dimensions of outreach and
insights into the value to clients, their families, and their communities…282
Part D – Conclusions 7 Insights into Pro-Poor Financial Sector Development and
Research Gaps…293 7.1 Summary of the elaboration and application of the pro-
poor financial sector development framework…293 7.2 Important findings and
perspectives for pro-poor financial sector development…309 Bibliography…327
Appendices…357 1.3-A Lists of institutions and experts, interview guide,
workshop program and participants of research in Peru…359 4.1.1-A Overview of
analyzed studies on usage patterns of financial devices…367 4.1.1-B Overview
of studies about usage patterns and their main results…368 6.1.1-A Exchange
rates for Peru (Peruvian currency – USD)…370 6.1.1-B Maps with socioeconomic
indicators for Peru…371 6.2.1-A Overview of institutional changes and
classification of these institutions in the present study…374 6.2.1-B The
difference between real and nominal values in the analysed period…375 6.3.1-A
Selection criteria for financial institutions for qualitative assessment…376
6.3.1-B Products, conditions, and costs of liquid savings, fixed-term savings,
remittances, and insurance…382 6.3.1-C Overview of money transfer operators
for international remittances, cost of transfer, and access points in Peru…
390 6.3.1-D Products and conditions of short- and long-term microenterprise
loans, small consumption, and housing loans…392 6.3.1-E Microenterprise
portfolio by economic sector and type of financial institution, absolute and
relative in 2001 and 2008…404 6.3.1-F Number of microenterprise loans by
economic sector and type of financial institution, absolute and relative in
2001 and 2008…405 6.3.2-A Overview of annualized total cost of borrowing and
default cost rates …406 6.3.3-A Distribution of branches by type of financial
institution, 2001 and 2008…407 6.3.3-B Financial institutions as unique
suppliers in the respective district (única oferta bancaria, UOB), 2001 and
2008… 409 6.3.3-C Distribution of branches/population by type of financial
institution, 2001 and 2008…410 6.3.3-D Distribution of ATMs and banking agents
by type of financial institution, 2006 and 2008…413 6.3.3-E Distribution of
banking agents/population by type of financial institutions, 2006 and 2008…414
6.3.3-F Shares of small deposits within total deposits by type of financial
institution…415 6.3.4-A Maps with district balances assessing financial
centralization and decentralization by type of financial institution, 2001 and
2008…416 6.3.5-A Overview of ratings on financial institutions, by financial
institution and by rating agency, 1998-2008…418 6.3.5-B Location of
headquarters and main businesses of the financial institutions, by type of
financial institution and by bank, 2001 and 2008…419 Further Appendices
according to the university’s requirements/Weitere Anhänge laut
Prüfungsordnung…421 Summary in German/Zusammenfassung der Arbeit auf
Microfinance has experienced increasing interest, both from public and private
actors, often based on rather exaggerated expectations with regard to its
developmental impact. A comprehensive framework is developed here for
assessing recent changes that commercialization, new technologies and other
financial market developments might mean to the poor at the regional and local
levels, and applied to the case of microfinance in Peru. It is based on the
review of theoretical and empirical findings as well as interviews on the
relevance of financial services for the poor. The relevant dimensions,
categories and indicators of outreach are identified and operationalized for
assessing which kinds of financial services serve poor populations, create
freedoms and opportunities and help them to cope with risks, without creating
new ones. Based on Amartya Sen’s “Development as Freedom”, it is de facto
access to reliable, diversified, cost-effective and tailor-made financial
services which is defined as pro-poor financial sector development. The
application of the framework shows that it is crucial to analyse different
dimensions of outreach, namely scope, conditions and costs of financial
services as well as breadth, depth and length of outreach. One financial
institution might offer highly adequate products, but only in a limited
geographic space, to a certain client group or at a very high price, whereas
others offer cheap credit, but their service does not last long. One of the
insights into pro-poor financial sector development in Peru, which has been
quite positive in general terms during the last decade – is the importance of
the broad scope of many different providers for attending the diversified
financial management needs of (potential) microfinance clients.
Öffentliche wie private Akteure verschiedenster Provenienz interessieren sich
in zunehmendem Maße für Mikrofinanzen. Dieses Interesse basiert jedoch häufig
auf übertriebenen Erwartungen hinsichtlich der armutsreduzierenden Wirkung von
Mikrofinanzen. Da bislang nicht auf ein konzeptionell und methodisch
überzeugendes Instrumentarium zur Untersuchung der Kommerzialisierung und
anderen Veränderungen des (Mikro-)Finanzsektors zurückgegriffen werden kann,
wird hier ein umfassender Analyserahmen zur Untersuchung von
armutsreduzierender Finanzsektorentwicklung erarbeitet, der dann auf den
peruanischen Fall angewendet wird. Der Analyserahmen basiert auf theoretischen
und empirischen Erkenntnissen zur Relevanz von Finanzdienstleistungen für arme
Bevölkerungsgruppen. Es werden die Dimensionen, Kategorien und Indikatoren
vorgestellt und diskutiert um zu untersuchen, inwiefern bestimmte Typen von
Finanzdienstleistungen und Finanzsektorentwicklungen armen Kunden neue
Möglichkeiten bieten und ihnen dabei helfen können, besser mit Chancen und
Risiken umzugehen anstatt neue Risiken zu schaffen. Mit Amartya Sen’s Ansatz,
„Entwicklung“ als Eröffnung von Freiheitsräumen zu definieren, ist es in
erster Linie der de facto Zugang zu verlässlichen, diversifizierten,
erschwinglichen und angepassten Finanzdienstleistungen, der eine
armutsorientierte Finanzsektorentwicklung ausmacht. Die Anwendung des
Analyserahmens zeigt, dass bei der Analyse des Zugangs mehrere Dimensionen zu
unterscheiden sind: Umfang des Angebots, Bedingungen und Kosten der
angebotenen Finanzdienstleistungen sowie die Breite, Tiefe und Nachhaltigkeit
des Zugangs. So bietet eine Finanzinstitution vielleicht bestens angepasste
Produkte an, jedoch zu einem hohen Preis oder beschränkt auf eine bestimmte
Region oder Kundengruppe. In Peru hat sich der Finanzsektor im Allgemeinen
während des letzten Jahrzehnts sehr stark entwickelt, und die Armen werden
besser als zuvor erreicht. Dafür ist die Bandbreite der unterschiedlichen
Anbieter grundlegend, um die unterschiedlichen Finanzmanagementbedürfnisse der
(potentiellen) Mikrofinanzkunden zu bedienen.
XXV, 428 S.
financial sector development
pro-poor development
financial access
300 Sozialwissenschaften::330 Wirtschaft::330 Wirtschaft
300 Sozialwissenschaften::330 Wirtschaft::332 Finanzwirtschaft
300 Sozialwissenschaften::300 Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie::300 Sozialwissenschaften
How to assess pro-poor financial sector development
Prof. Dr. Manfred Nitsch
Prof. Dr. Barbara Fritz
A comprehensive framework applied to the case of Peruvian microfinance
Die Evaluierung von armutsorientierter Finanzsystementwicklung
Ein umfassender Analyseansatz, angewendet auf den Fall des Mikrofinanzwesens
in Peru
open access