Moyamoya angiopathy (MMA) can be treated using direct, indirect, or combined revascularization procedures. We perform combined revascularization using the STA-MCA bypass and minimally invasive encephalodurosynangiosis (MIS-EDS). Due to lack of systematic analyses to date it remains unclear whether and to which extent this limited EDS serves as a growth source for extracerebral blood vessels into the brain. The objective of the current study is to characterize the extent of angiographic filling of MIS-EDS and STA-MCA bypass development over time and to determine possible predictors of EDS development in adult MMA patients. Single-center retrospective analysis of 81 MMA patients (139 hemispheres) treated with a MIS-EDS and STA-MCA bypass was performed. Angiographic images and clinical/operative data were reviewed and scored. Uni-/ and multivariate Cox regression analyses identified preoperative predictors of good EDS vascularization. At 3-6 months after surgery EDS showed moderate and high angiographic filling in 40% and 5% of hemispheres, respectively. After 12 months moderate and high filling was found in 57% and 4% of hemispheres, respectively. STA-MCA bypass filling was moderate in 47% and high in 7% of hemispheres at 3-6 months and 45% moderate and 9% high after 12 months. High STA-MCA bypass filling on angiography was a negative predictor of EDS development. MIS-EDS is a simple technique and serves as a source of vessel growth into the brain. EDS development lags behind that of STA-MCA bypass and can be recommended as an additive revascularization source when combined with a direct bypass.