Background: The severity of atopic dermatitis (AD) is associated with lifestyle behaviors such as exercise, relaxation techniques, and dietary or nutritional adjustments.Objective: To investigate the frequency of self-initiated exercise, relaxation techniques, and dietary or nutritional adjustments and their perceived benefits in patients with AD.Methods: An exploratory cross-sectional study was performed in May 2019 with 115 AD patients who participated in a three-armed randomized controlled trial (the CAMATOP study). Data on lifestyle behaviors in the three domains of exercise, relaxation techniques, and dietary or nutritional adjustments and their perceived benefits were collected anonymously by a questionnaire and exploratively evaluated.Results: A total of 58 (50.4%) patients responded and were included in the analyses. Within the previous four months, 54 (93.1%) respondents had performed exercise, and 24 (41.4%) respondents had used a relaxation technique. A total of 44 (75.9%) respondents had adjusted their diet or nutrition intake due to AD. Exercise, relaxation techniques, and dietary or nutritional adjustments were rated as helpful by most respondents (57.4%, 87.0%, and 95.1%, respectively). Overall, 54 (93.1%) respondents adopted at least one lifestyle factor, and 13 (22.4%) adopted a lifestyle factor in all three domains.Conclusion: In our sample, AD patients often adopted lifestyle behaviors such as exercise, relaxation techniques, diet and nutrition; and perceived relaxation techniques and nutritional adjustments as helpful. Further high-quality cohort studies and prospective clinical trials should evaluate the benefits and possible risks of potentially healthy lifestyle behaviors in AD patients.