Canine babesiosis has been increasingly diagnosed in various regions of Germany such as north-eastern Germany in recent years. A dog with several relapses of Babesia canis infection after treatment with imidocarb is described. A 9-year-old male Magyar Viszla with B. canis infection was referred after two treatments with imidocarb (dosage 2.1 mg/kg SC) because of lethargy, fever and pancytopenia (additional treatments with prednisolone and doxycycline). Merozoites were detected in the blood smear and imidocarb treatment was repeated. Clinical signs, pancytopenia and a positive B. canis PCR occurred after the 3rd (6 mg/kg SC), 4th (7.7 mg/kg SC) and 5th (7.5 mg/kg SC and doxycycline for 4 weeks in addition) imidocarb injection and thorough tick prevention with isoxazoline and permethrin products. 12 days after the 5th injection, the PCR was negative for the first time. The dog was again presented with fever 35 days after the 5th injection. The B. canis PCR was positive and laboratory examination revealed pancytopenia. Treatment with atovaquone/azithromycin for 18 days was performed and no further relapse occurred for 32 weeks. In the case of suspected imidocarb resistance in B. canis infection, treatment with atovaquone/azithromycin can be an alternative.