The study of epenthesis, or the insertion of a non-etymological segment, has been at the core of phonological theory from the start, and recent approaches extend beyond phonology to include phonetic considerations, as well as morphological, morphosyntactic, and lexical interactions. This volume includes 12 of the many papers presented at the workshop “Epenthesis and Beyond” held at Stony Brook University in 2021, whose goal was to provide a forum for scholars who approach epenthesis and other types of insertion from new perspectives. The articles selected for this volume represent the exciting new approaches to epenthesis that linguists are engaged in. They cover a wide range of research questions, including how different types of insertion within the same language can use different epenthetic segments, and how across languages the same phonetic material can have different phonological interpretations. Topics like feature epenthesis, insertion vs. deletion, vowel predictability, nucleus-less syllables, and epenthetic segment quality, are also explored. Some of the new tools employed by the authors include ultrasound, Information Theory, and textsetting (the study of the way poets map their text onto a metrical grid). The breadth of languages investigated is noteworthy as well: Kru languages (spoken in Western Africa), Anindilyakwa (spoken in Australia), Yuman languages (spoken in the border area between Mexico, California, Arizona), Motu (Oceanic language spoken in Papua New Guinea), Kaqchikel (Mayan language spoken in Guatemala), Arabic, Turkish, Korean, and many others.
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This book discusses the phonological history of Mataguayan, a language family that includes no less than four distinct languages – Maká, Nivaĉle, Chorote, and Wichí – spoken by ca. 65.000 individuals in the Southern Chaco region in Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia. The book starts by offering a phonological reconstruction of Proto-Mataguayan, with separate chapters dedicated to its consonants, vowels, word-level prosody, and morphophonological alternations. This is followed by an outline of the phonological evolution of each Mataguayan language all the way from Proto-Mataguayan to contemporary lects, with a special attention to the dialectal diversity of Nivaĉle, Chorote, and Wichí. The study concludes with an etymological dictionary of Mataguayan, where known cognate sets are accompanied by comments on phonetic irregularities, semantic shifts, possible cognates in the neighbouring Guaicuruan family, and references to earlier studies.
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This volume brings together studies on morphosyntactic and phonological constituency from a host of languages across the Americas. The study expands on previous multivariate typological work on phonological domains by simultaneously coding the results of morphosyntactic constituency tests. The descriptions are geared towards developing a typology of constituency and linguistic levels in both morphosyntactic and phonological domains. The multivariate approach adopted in this volume deconstructs constituency tests and phonological domains into cross-linguistically comparable variables applying and extending autotypology method to the domain of constituent structure. Current methodologies for establishing constituents have been criticized for containing an in-built selection bias, where the results and interpretation of tests are chosen or sampled in such a fashion that specific analyses are prejudged to be correct or false in a non-rigorous fashion. The papers of this volume develop novel methodology for reporting and coding constituency variables for language description and comparison that seeks to reign in selection bias allowing theories concerning the relationship between morphosyntactic and phonological constituent structure to be more severely tested.
Weniger anzeigenSynopsis: This book is an investigation into aspects of prosody, intonation and the prosody-syntax interface in Totoli, an endangered Austronesian language. With a strongly data-driven approach, the study integrates a combination of experimental evidence from both production and perception with corpus-based evidence through descriptive and inferential statistics.
The study takes the prime structuring unit of speech – the Intonation Unit – as its principal unit of investigation. It presents a thorough description of the IU, develops an intonational model of it, and investigates the syntactic units it contains. The author argues that the data is best analysed by assuming recursive embedding of Intonation Units into Compound Intonation Units.
This research represents a significant advancement in our understanding of the nature of prosodic systems found in the languages of the region and in intonational systems in general. It is one of the few investigations into the intonation of Austronesian languages and its analytical proposals are relevant both to prosodic theory and to phonological typology.
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