Flying insects like the honeybee experience the world as a metric layout embedded in a compass, the time-compensated sun compass. The focus of the review lies on the properties of the landscape memory as accessible by data from radar tracking and analyses of waggle dance following. The memory formed during exploration and foraging is thought to be composed of multiple elements, the aerial pictures that associate the multitude of sensory inputs with compass directions. Arguments are presented that support retrieval and use of landscape memory not only during navigation but also during waggle dance communication. I argue that bees expect landscape features that they have learned and that are retrieved during dance communication. An intuitive model of the bee’s navigation memory is presented that assumes the picture memories form a network of geographically defined locations, nodes. The intrinsic components of the nodes, particularly their generalization process leads to binding structures, the edges. In my view, the cognitive faculties of landscape memory uncovered by these experiments are best captured by the term cognitive map.