A 12 months old, castrated male, mix-breed dog was presented due to acute onset of vomiting, retching, anorexia, and tachypnoea. Idiopathic megaoesophagus was diagnosed three months prior to presentation. Radiographic and CT examination revealed gastroesophageal intussusception with herniation of the complete spleen into the intussusception. After initial stabilization surgical treatment was performed. The stomach and spleen were manually reduced into the abdomen. Due to questionable viability of the gastric wall an inverting suture pattern was used to invaginate the compromised part. Left sided gastropexy was performed to reduce risk of recurrence. Additionally oesophagopexy was performed to reduce the risk of hiatal hernia due to intraoperative damage to the hiatus. The patient recovered uneventful and was discharged from hospital five days following surgery. Conservative treatment of concurrent megaoesophagus was continued. At last follow up, 10 months later, the dog was clinically fine, had gained weight, and showed no signs of regurgitation.