The diurnal cycle of precipitation (DCP) is a core mode of precipitation variability in regions and seasons where the dominant precipitation type is convective. The occurrence of extreme precipitation is often closely linked to the DCP. Future changes in extreme precipitation may furthermore, in certain regions, exhibit a strong diurnal signal. Here we investigate the present and future diurnal cycle of hourly precipitation in the state-of-the-art 0.11°C EURO-CORDEX (EC-11) ensemble and in a convection-permitting model (CPM), with a focus on extremes. For the present climate, long-standing timing and frequency biases in the DCP found in lower-resolution models persist in the EC-11 ensemble. In the CPM, however, these biases are largely absent, particularly the diurnal distribution of extremes, which the EC-11 ensemble misrepresents. For future changes to hourly precipitation, we find clear diurnal signals in the CPM and in EC-11 models, with high regional and intra-ensemble variability. The diurnal signal typically peaks in the morning. Interestingly, the EC-11 ensemble mean shows reasonable agreement with the CPM on the diurnal signal's timing, showing that this feature is representable by models with parametrized convection. Comparison with the CPM suggests that EC-11 models greatly underestimate the amplitude of this diurnal signal. Our study highlights the advantages of CPMs for investigating future precipitation change at the diurnal scale, while also showing the EC-11 ensemble capable of detecting a diurnal signal in future precipitation change.