The research investigates the main characteristics of harmonizing the copyright laws of post-Soviet non-EU states with European copyright law. The interrelation between these two components - European copyright law, on one hand, and the copyright laws of the post-Soviet non-EU states, on the other, is the main subject of the study. In this research both of these components, as well as their interrelation, are examined with critical perspective. Georgia is selected as typical example of a post-Soviet country aspiring towards European integration but which is not a member of the EU. Since Georgia shares certain similarities with other post-Soviet non-EU states, the copyright laws of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine are also examined in this context. The final part of the research presents certain proposals for further implementation of EU copyright legislation into those of the post-Soviet non-EU states. All of these practical proposals are based on the theoretical observations and hypotheses elaborated so far, and are oriented to contribute to the process of harmonizing European copyright law with those of the post-Soviet non-EU states.