Vöhringer, Max
1 Global climate policy and the impact of local
projects.....................................1 2 Analytical background and
research concept ................................................3 2.1 The
concept of Sustainable Development and its assessment
.......................... 3 2.2 Rural electrification – High expectations and
some critical issues..................... 4 2.3 Research outline and
questions.............................................................. 6 3
Regional setting: Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
...................................................7 3.1 Overview, natural
preconditions and mixed mountain agriculture .................... 7 3.2
Utilisation and management of water and forest resources
............................ 8 3.3 Present state of the energy
sector........................................................ 10 3.4 Socio-
economic transition
processes...................................................... 12 4 The micro
and mini hydel projects
........................................................... 15 5 Research
procedure and
methodology....................................................... 17 5.1
Collection, analysis and evaluation of the primary data
.............................. 17 5.2 Reflections on the representativeness of
the data and the research procedure .. 18 6 Three case study villages
....................................................................... 21 6.1
Bargo Bala - A village with a large summer settlement and very deficient
electricity supply
22 6.2 Ahmedabad - Close proximity to Central Hunza and limited but stable
electricity supply
25 6.3 Sumayar - Booming gemstone mining and trade and an extended electricity
25 7 Ecological dimension
27 7.1 Impacts on the local environment and water utilisation practices
.................. 27 7.2 Complex parameters of energy resource
choices....................................... 31 7.2.1 Fuel wood as the
primary energy basis with varying supplementary resource uses
31 7.2.2 Household expenses for energy resources
.......................................... 37 8 Social
43 8.1 Improved illumination, varying use of appliances, and the everyday life
.......... 43 8.2 Educational effects of electrical lighting and information
technologies............ 48 8.3 Impacts on indoor health conditions and
medical services ........................... 50 8.4 Electricity and the
complex causalities determining workloads of women ........ 52 9 Economic
57 9.1 Off-farm employment and qualification opportunities in the hydel
projects ...... 57 9.2 Impacts on economic activities and income generation
............................... 58 9.2.1 Cottage industries and their working
conditions .................................. 59 9.2.2 Expansion of small
businesses and industries, their premises, and related income effects
60 10 Synthesis and Conclusion
..................................................................... 67 10.1
Summary of results
......................................................................... 67
10.2 Recommendations for enhanced Sustainable Development impacts of rural
electrification projects and conclusions for the global climate policy
.................. 69 References
This paper is based on the author’s Diploma thesis handed in at the Centre for
Development Studies (ZELF) of the Freie Universität Berlin. There are many
people to whom I would like to extend my thanks for their support, assistance,
and contributions to it. Above all, I am greatly indebted to all my interview
partners in Gilgit-Baltistan, as well as to the whole team of the Aga Khan
Rural Support Programme (AKRSP), Pakistan, for their openness,
cooperativeness, and great hospitality during my stay in northern Pakistan.
This study would have not been possible without the collaboration with AKRSP.
To the following members of AKRSP I would like to specifically express my
gratitude for supporting me in multiple ways: Sher Khan, Ahman Ali Shah, Saima
Shakoor, Manzoor Hussain and Hinan Aziz from the Community Physical
Infrastructure section; Muzaffar Uddin, Regional Programme Manager, and Izhar
Hunzai, General Manager; Ghulam Amin Baig and Muhammad Ibrahim, Policy
Dialogue and Partnership section; Yasmin Qalandar, Naeema and Shahana, Gender
And Development section; Zaib, Aftab and Kosar, Institutional Development
section; Nazia, Monitoring & Evaluation section; and Amjad Wali, Entreprise
Development section. Special thank-yous further go to Sher Ghazi from MIES
(Mountain Infrastructure and Engineering Services), as well as Nazir Abbas and
Murad Shah, both working for the gems centre of Sumayar. The successful
completion of the field studies would have been unthinkable without the great
collaboration with my translators Ali Nazir Abidy and Mohammad Baqir. I am
also particularly grateful to the families of Abdul Karim from Bargo Bala,
Mansoor Karim from Ahmedabad, and, again, Mohammad Baqir from Sumayar, for
providing board and logding. They made me feel at home in their houses and
made each of the visits to the case study villages very special and
unforgettable. A very special thanks furthermore goes to Prof. Dr. Hermann
Kreutzmann, Director of the Centre for Development Studies (ZELF), Freie
Universität Berlin, for getting the research internship with AKRSP into gear
and encouraging and supporting me during the whole process of writing the
thesis. I also want to thank Prof. Dr. Dörte Segebart, Junior Professor at the
Institute of Geographical Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin, very much for
her very valuable and detailed advice, especially in the beginning of the
research. A thank-you goes to the Geographical Society of Berlin (GfE), which
supported my research financially. For supporting and advising me during the
writing process in Germany, I finally express my gratitude to Andreas Benz,
Christoph Hinske, René Herlitz, Holle Wlokas and Imogen Minton, as well as all
others who discussed my results with me and offered their constructive
criticism. And last but not least I would like to thank my parents for their
irreplaceable support during all my years of study.
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600 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften::620 Ingenieurwissenschaften::627 Wasserbau
Renewable energy and sustainable development
an impact assessment of micro and mini hydel projects in Gilgit-Baltistan,
Institut für Geographische Wissenschaften / Centre for Development Studies (ZELF)

Berlin Geographical Papers
open access