Massive QED, in contrast with its massless counterpart, possesses two conserved charges; one is a screened (vanishing) Maxwell charge which is directly associated with the massive vector mesons through the identically conserved Maxwell current, while the presence of a particle-antiparticle counting charge depends on the matter. A somewhat peculiar situation arises for couplings of Hermitian matter fields to massive vector potentials; in that case the only current is the screened Maxwell current and the coupling disappears in the massless limit. In the case of self-interacting massive vector mesons the situation becomes even more peculiar in that the usually renormalizability guaranteeing validity of the first order power-counting criterion breaks down in second order and requires the compensatory presence of additional Hermitian H-fields. Some aspect of these observation have already been noticed in the BRST gauge theoretic formulation, but here we use a new setting based on string-local vector mesons which is required by Hilbert space positivity (“off-shell unitarity”). This new formulation explains why spontaneous symmetry breaking cannot occur in the presence of higher spin fields. The coupling to H-fields induces Mexican hat-like self-interactions; they are not imposed and bear no relation with spontaneous symmetry breaking; they are rather consequences of the foundational causal localization properties realized in a Hilbert space setting. In the case of self- interacting massive vector mesons their presence is required in order to maintain the first order power-counting restriction of renormalizability also in second order. The presentation of the new Hilbert space setting for vector mesons which replaces gauge theory and extends on-shell unitarity to its off- shell counterpart is the main motivation for this work. The new Hilbert space setting also shows that the second order Lie-algebra structure of self- interacting vector mesons is a consequence of the principles of QFT and promises a deeper understanding of the origin of confinement.