The constant-head permeameter test (CHPT) is widely used in sandy samples as a standard method in the laboratory to investigate hydraulic conductivity (K). However, it neither can be used to consistently determine directional hydraulic conductivity (DHC) nor guarantee the comparability of measured K values of samples with different sizes. Therefore, this paper proposes an integrated laboratory method, called modified CHPT (MCHPT), for the efficient determination and verification of consistent DHC values in fine-to-medium sandy sediments, based on a new methodological framework. A precise and standardized procedure for preparing the experimental setup of MCHPT was conducted, based on the integrated experimental setup of CHPT and tracer tests. Moreover, a formula was yielded for the time-optimized sample saturation control. In comparison with grain size-based methods, the validity of consistent Kh and Kv values determined by MCHPT was convincing.