Foreword. The present essay—longer than a paper but shorter than a book—characterizes the Process Model of Word Formation that represents a new approach to word formation intermediate between constructionist and generative approaches; the model will be elaborated in detail in: Lieb, Hans-Heinrich (in prep.), The Process Model of Word Formation and Inflection. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins. The essay, which is independent of the book, replaces an earlier, unpublished manuscript (Lieb 2011/2012), of which it is a completely revised and enlarged version. The essay was completed in July 2013; it is an outcome of work undertaken by the author since roughly 2006 but originating from still earlier work (first presented at a Research Colloquium held at the Freie Universität Berlin in 2001, and subsequently by a lecture read at the Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft in 2006: Lieb 2006). The present text is an Open Access publication by the Freie Universität Berlin; it is free for downloading, but all rights remain with the author (in particular, revamping of the text or its commercial use are prohibited; quotation only with indication of the source). The Freie Universität Berlin also houses a major effort at producing book- length Open Access publications in linguistics, organized into series: Language Science Press, The present essay does not fit this framework, both for lack of a suitable series and for being shorter than a book. An Open Access format was chosen for the essay by its author for a number of reasons, most importantly, to provoke discussion (contact the author via: Please quote this essay as follows, together with its url: Lieb, Hans-Heinrich. 2013. Towards a general theory of word formation: the Process Model. Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin. (An Open Access publication.) The author is Full Professor (em.) of General and German Linguistics at the Freie Universität Berlin in Berlin, Germany. Berlin, July 2013 Hans-Heinrich Lieb
Foreword. The present essay—longer than a paper but shorter than a book—characterizes the Process Model of Word Formation that represents a new approach to word formation intermediate between constructionist and generative approaches; the model will be elaborated in detail in: Lieb, Hans-Heinrich (in prep.), The Process Model of Word Formation and Inflection. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins. The essay, which is independent of the book, replaces an earlier, unpublished manuscript (Lieb 2011/2012), of which it is a completely revised and enlarged version. The essay was completed in July 2013; it is an outcome of work undertaken by the author since roughly 2006 but originating from still earlier work (first presented at a Research Colloquium held at the Freie Universität Berlin in 2001, and subsequently by a lecture read at the Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft in 2006: Lieb 2006). The present text is an Open Access publication by the Freie Universität Berlin; it is free for downloading, but all rights remain with the author (in particular, revamping of the text or its commercial use are prohibited; quotation only with indication of the source). The Freie Universität Berlin also houses a major effort at producing book- length Open Access publications in linguistics, organized into series: Language Science Press, The present essay does not fit this framework, both for lack of a suitable series and for being shorter than a book. An Open Access format was chosen for the essay by its author for a number of reasons, most importantly, to provoke discussion (contact the author via: Please quote this essay as follows, together with its url: Lieb, Hans-Heinrich. 2013. Towards a general theory of word formation: the Process Model. Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin. (An Open Access publication.) The author is Full Professor (em.) of General and German Linguistics at the Freie Universität Berlin in Berlin, Germany. Berlin, July 2013 Hans-Heinrich Lieb