The aim of this thesis was the description of the course of the white blood picture of horses suffering on colic and its presentation in numbers. The influence of the drug Buscopan® compositum which is often used in the colic therapy was examined in a test on four clinical healthy horses. Neither after one nor after two injections of Buscopan® compositum there could be realised a change of the leukocyte count in relation to the Buscopan® compositum injection in the blood samples which were taken in intervals of 4 hours. 785 blood samples were taken and evaluated on 134 horses suffering on colic which were treated in the period from 1986 till 1994 in the clinic for horses of the Free University of Berlin. The first blood sample of each horse was taken after admission into the clinic and the following were taken in intervals of four hours until the ending of the treatment. Beside of different clinical and diagnostical information the following parameters were determined: total leukocyte count, basophilic granulocytes, eosinophilic granulocytes, neutrophilic stabs, neutrophilic segmented granulocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes. The absolute number of the different white blood cells were calculated. The evaluation of the bloodsamples are as follows:
1. The average of the total leukocyte count at the time of hospitalisation (x=9,930 G/l) and during the whole time of inpatient treatment (x=9,153 G/l) was within the reference values. The number of the neutrophilic stabs was decreased. At the time of hospitalisation the number of the neutrophilic segmented granulocytes (x=6,908 G/l) was also decreased and the number of the lymphocytes (x=2,227 G/l) was increased. 2. The average leukocyte count was within the reference values in cases of spastic colics (x=9,175 G/l), obstipations of the large intestine (x=9,412 G/l) and primary meteorism (x=9,871 G/l), in intestinal ruptures (x=6,600 G/l) the leukocyte count was decreased. In cases of gastric dilatation, obstipations of the small intestine (x=12,629 G/l), volvulus (x=12,056 G/l), displacement of the large colon over the nephrosplenic ligament (x=10,810 G/l), intestinal hernias (x=11,211 G/l) and peritonitis it was increased. 3. In horses which died higher leukocyte values (x=10,006 G/l) were recognised than in those which survived the colic (x=9,903 G/l). 4. Those colic patients which where treated conservatively mostly showed lower leukocyte values (x=9,469 G/l) than those cases which later were treated surgically (x=10,523 G/l). 5. No relation could be proved between the total leukocyte count and the duration of the colic. 6. With the increase of the severity of the colic the total leukocyte count, the number of the neutropilic stabs and the segmented neutrophilic granulocytes were rising. In critical colics an increased number of leucopenic blood pictures occured, partly with a shift to the left. 7. Neutrophilia indicates an endotoxemia, however neutropenia does not exclude an endotoxemia. 8. There is a positive correlation between total leukocyte count and the absolute number of the neutrophilic granulocytes as well as a strong negative correlation between the percentage of the granulocyte and the lymphocyte count. 9. The leukocyte curves for the single horses are showing a parallel course between the leukocytes and the neutrophilic granulocytes. The curves of the neutrophils and the lymphocytes are mostly opposite. 10. The leukocyte curves for the horses suffering on a special form of colic do not show any common features. 11. In those horses which died the leukocytes mostly in the neutrophilic granulocytes show morphologic changes, in form of toxic granulations and Doehle bodies. Besides this the blood of those horses was hard to smear, which showed a considerable tendency for degeneration of the white blood cells.