Full, Jürgen
0 Titelblatt
2 Introduction 8
1.1 Basic concepts 10
1.1.1 Electronic transitions 10
1.1.2 Types of photodissociation 11
1.2 Experimental background and one-dimensional model 14
1.2.1 Photochemistry of CpMn(CO)3 14
1.2.2 Experimental structure of CpMn(CO)3 and UV-spectrum 16
1.2.3 Pump-probe experiments 17
2 Theory 19
2.1 Schrödinger equation, molecular Hamiltonian and coupling with the laser
field 19
2.2 Adiabatic and diabatic representation of the time-dependent Schrödinger
equation 21
2.2.1 Derivation of the adiabatic representation 21
2.2.2 Adiabatic description of the Mn-COax photodissociation 24
2.2.3 An alternative description: The diabatic picture 26
2.2.4 Comparison between the adiabatic and the diabatic representation 28
2.2.5 Born-Oppenheimer dynamics 29
2.2.6 Population and probability of dissociation 30
2.3 Rotational averaging 32
2.4 Time dependent calculation of absorption spectra 34
2.5 Pump-probe ionization spectroscopy 35
2.6 Calculation of the initial wave function: The Fourier Grid Hamiltonian
(FGH) method 36
2.7 Propagation schemes for the time dependent Schrödinger equation 39
2.7.1 Second Order Differencing (SOD) 40
2.7.2 Split Operator 42
2.8 Solution of the electronic Schrödinger equation using ab initio and DFT
methods 42
2.8.1 Standard quantum chemical (ab initio) methods 43
2.8.2 DFT methods 47
2.9 Calculation of the kinetic coupling terms T(1) and T(2) 49
2.9.1 General Properties of T(1) and T(2) 49
2.9.2 Calculation of the kinetic coupling term T(1) using a
multiconfigurational wave function 50
2.9.3 Calculation of the kinetic coupling term T(2) using T(1) 51
3 Quantum chemistry calculations 53
3.1 Computational details 53
3.1.1 Basis sets 53
3.1.2 Applied ab initio methods 54
3.2 CASSCF and DFT geometry optimizations 55
3.2.1 Structure of the parent molecule Η5-CpMn(CO)3< /SUB> 56
3.2.2 Structure of the fragment Η5-CpMn(CO)2 57
3.3 CASSCF/CASPT2 and TD-DFT vertical excitation spectrum 58
3.4 Comparison with MRCI excitation energies 61
3.5 CASSCF/MR-CCI potential curves and transition dipole moments 63
3.6 The kinetic couplings 67
3.6.1 The kinetic coupling term T(1) 67
3.6.2 The kinetic coupling term T(2) 74
3.6.3 Source of errors 76
3.7 Ionic potentials and approximated transition dipole moments between ionic
and neutral states 78
3.7.1 Ionic state potentials 78
3.7.2 Transition dipole moments between the neutral A' states and the ionic
states 78
3.7.3 Transition dipole moments coupling the A'' states with the ionic states
4 Dynamical simulations of pump-probe ionization spectroscopy: Analysis and
control 85
4.1 Influence of the diabatic b1A' - c1A' and a1A'' - b1A'' coupling on the
dynamics 86
4.2 Theoretical absorption spectrum 92
4.3 Probability of dissociation on the b1A' and c1A' states using rotational
averaging 94
4.4 Dynamics on the low-lying excited states potentials induced by femtosecond
laser pulses 98
4.5 Simulation of pump-probe and control experiments 105
4.5.1 Pump probe spectra with pump transitions to the b1A' and c1A' states 107
4.5.2 Analysis: Theoretical and experimental pump-probe spectra of the parent
and the daughter ion 111
4.5.3 Control: Wave packet dynamics induced by the optimal control pulse for
(CpMn(CO)3)+ 119
5 Conclusions and outlook 125
A Calculation of absorption spectra by time-dependent methods 128
A.1 Derivation of a microscopic expression for the absorption cross section
using time dependent perturbation theory 128
A.2 Time-dependent calculation of the absorption cross section: The
autocorrelation function 134
B Kinetic couplings 138
B.1 Kinetic coupling terms T(1) of the A' and A'' states 138
B.1.1 Splined curves of the CI coefficients in the case of symmetry A' 138
B.1.2 Splined curves of the orbital coefficients in the case of symmetry A'
B.1.3 Kinetic coupling term T(1) of the A' states 142
B.1.4 Splined curves of the CI coefficients in the case of symmetry A'' 148
B.2 Kinetic coupling terms T(2) of the A' and A'' states 150
Literature 153
This work deals with the quantum chemical and quantum dynamical description of
the photodissociation of the transition metal complex cymantrene, CpMn(CO)3
(Cp = Η5-cyclopentadienyl), by means of ultrashort laser pulses
(Femtochemistry). The goal is to understand recent pump-probe and control
experiments performed by Wüste and coworkers (FB Physik, Freie Universität
Berlin). The Mn-CO bond that dissociates first and ultrafast in experiment has
been chosen as the reaction coordinate. Within the applied model, this
coordinate lies in the plane of symmetry of the molecule, assuming CS symmetry
and a staggered conformation of the Mn(CO)3 group with respect to the Cp ring.
Quantum chemical ab initio potential energy curves for the lowest-lying
neutral singlet and ionic doublet states are calculated along the reaction
coordinate. The Complete Active Space Self-Consistent Field (CASSCF) method,
followed by a Multireference Contracted Configuration Interaction (MR-CCI)
treatment, is employed. CASSCF and MR-CCI transition dipole moments between
neutral states are computed. The transition dipole moments coupling the
neutral excited with the ionic states are approximated using the CI
coefficients. In each symmetry, A' and A'', the two lowest excited singlet
states, i.e. b1A' and c1A', and a1A'' and b1A'', avoid crossings in the
Franck-Condon region. The kinetic couplings have been calculated numerically
using the coefficients of the MR-CCI wave function and their influence on the
photodissociation dynamics has been studied in both the adiabatic (kinetic
coupling) and the diabatic (potential coupling) pictures, which are
equivalent. Simulations of the pump-probe and control experiments are
performed in the adiabatic representation. It is found that the nonadiabatic
coupling between the a1A'' and the b1A'' states plays a crucial role in the
interpretation of the pump-probe experiments, whereas the b1A' - c1A' coupling
is negligible. A mechanism explaining the pump-probe experiments for the loss
of the first CO ligand and another which decodes the optimal laser pulse
optimizing the parent, CpMn(CO)3+, ion yield are proposed. The given analysis
can also be extended to predictions about future optimization experiments
yielding predominantly the first daughter ion, CpMn(CO)2+. In conclusion, this
thesis presents the first ananlysis of the quantum mechanical details of an
optimal control experiment yielding preferably the target ion, CpMn(CO)3+,
while suppressing competing channels.
Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der quantenchemischen und quantendynamischen
Beschreibung der Photodissoziation des Übergangsmetallkomplexes Cymantrene,
CpMn(CO)3 (Cp = Η5-Cyclopentadienyl), mittels ultrakurzer Laserpulse
(Femtochemie). Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, neue Pump-Probe- und Control-
Experimente von Wöste und Mitarbeitern (FB Physik, Freie Universität Berlin)
zu verstehen. Als Reaktionskoordinate wird die im Experiment zuerst und
ultraschnell dissozierende Mn-CO-Bindung gewählt. In dem verwendeten Model
befindet sich diese Koordinate in der Spiegelebene des Moleküls mit
angenommener CS Symmetrie und gestaffelter Konformation der Mn(CO)3-Gruppe
bezüglich des Cp-Rings. Es werden quantenmechanische ab-initio Potentialkurven
für die niedrigsten Singulettzustände und ionischen Dublettzustände entlang
der Reaktionskoordinate berechnet. Die Complete Active Space Self-Consistent
Field (CASSCF) Methode mit anschließenden Multireference Contracted
Configuration Interaction (MR-CCI) Berechnungen wird zu diesem Zweck
eingesetzt. CASSCF- und MR-CCI-Übergangsdipolmomente zwischen den neutralen
Zuständen werden berechnet. Die Übergangsdipolmomente, welche die neutralen
angeregten mit den ionischen Zuständen koppeln, werden durch die CI-
Koeffizienten angenähert. In beiden Symmetrien, A' und A'', vermeiden die
jeweils niedrigsten angeregten Singulettzustände, also b1A' mit c1A' und a1A''
mit b1A'', Kreuzungen im Franck-Condon Bereich. Ihre kinetischen Kopplungen
werden aus den Koeffizienten der MR-CCI Wellenfunktion berechnet und ihr
Einfluß auf die Photodissoziationsdynamik wird im adiabatischen (kinetische
Kopplung) und diabatischen (Potentialkopplung) Bild untersucht. Beide Bilder
sind gleichwertig. Für Simulationen der Pump-Probe- und Control-Experimente
wurde das adiabatische Bild herangezogen. Es stellt sich heraus, daß die
nichtadiabatiche Kopplung zwischen dem a1A'' und dem b1A'' Zustand eine
entscheidende Rolle bei der Interpretation der Pump-Probe Experimente spielt,
während die b1A' - c1A' Kopplung vernachlässigbar ist. Es werden je ein
Mechanismus sowohl zur Erklärung der Pump-Probe Experimente zum Verlust des
ersten CO-Liganden als auch zur Erklärung des optimalen Laser-Pulses, welcher
vorzugsweise das Mutterion CpMn(CO)3+ bildet, vorgeschlagen. Die angegebene
Analyse kann auch auf Vorhersagen über den Ausgang von zukünftigen
Optimierungsexperimenten, welche dominant das erste Tochterion CpMn(CO)2+
ergeben, ausgeweitet werden. Schließlich stellt diese Doktorarbeit die
quantenmechanischen Details der ersten Analyse eines "Optimal Control"
Experiments dar, welches vorzugsweise das Ziel-Ion, CpMn(CO)3+, hervorbringt
bei gleichzeitiger Unterdrückung von konkurrierenden Kanälen.
Photodissociation Dynamics
Quantum Chemistry
500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik::540 Chemie::540 Chemie und zugeordnete Wissenschaften
Ultrafast Photodissociation dynamics of Η5-CpMn(CO)3 (Cymantrene)
Prof. Dr. Jörn Manz
Prof. Dr. Ludger Wöste
Theory for Analysis and Control
Ultraschnelle Photodissoziationsdynamik von Η5-CpMn(CO)3 (Cymantren)
Theorie zur Analyse und Kontrolle
Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie
open access