Three management programs were compared to improve reproductive efficiency in 542 cows (average milk yield of 7659 kg/ year). Cows were examined 22 to 29 days after parturition. Sixty days after calving healthy cows were inseminated on observed estrus. Cows not seen in estrus 80 days after parturition were reexamined. Cows were divided into three treatment groups: In group 1 cows with abnormal vaginal discharge were treated with 100 ml 2 % Lotagen® (m-Cresolsulfonsäure-Formaldehyd-Polykondensat) intrauterine. In group 2 cows were injected with 5 ml of Iliren®C (0,150 mg Tiaprost) intramuscularily in 2 week intervalls, starting on day 43 to 49 until insemination. If they were seen in estrus after the 2nd or 3rd treatment, they were inseminated. In group 3 cows with abnormal vaginal discharge were treated with 120 ml of 20% Eucacomp® (Majorana Herb., Calendula Flos., Melissa Herb., Ol. Eucalypti) intrauterine. 185 of 542 cows (34%) showed vaginal discharge. 36 percent of the cows were culled during lactation. 17 % of the cows were culled for infertility. Table 1 shows the descriptive statistics for all cows and the three treatment groups. Estrus detection rate was significantly higher in group 2 compared to group 1 and 3. Overall conception rate and first service conception rate showed no difference between the treatment groups. Days to first service were 9 days (group 1) and 18 days (group 3) longer than in group 2. Days open intervall was 35 days shorter in group 2 than in group 3 and 5 days shorter than in group one. Costs per pregnancy were 148,-- DM higher in group 1 and 88,-- DM higher in group 3 than in group 2. Table 1: Reproductive performance of cows with endometritis Treatment groupsLotagen® Iliren®CEucacomp® Number of cows676552 Estrus detection rate (%)51a80a27a Overall conception rate (%)464243 1st service conception rate (%)534241 Days to first service87±23a78±27a96±24a Days open100±3895±38a130±45a Costs per pregnancy in DM661,-- 513,--601,-- ab Values are different (p< 0,05)