Schneider, Susanne
Declaration of Authorship
________________________________________________________ i Acknowledgements
____________________________________________________________ iii Kurzfassung
__________________________________________________________________ v Abstract
_____________________________________________________________________ vi
Organization of the thesis and contributions of the authors and co-workers
_________________ ix 1\. The western Tauern Window a natural laboratory,
refining the geodynamics after more than a century of research
____________________________________________________________ 1 2\. Dating the
longevity of ductile shear zones: Insight from 40Ar/39Ar in situ analyses
_______ 3 2.1 Highlights
_______________________________________________________________ 3 2.2 Keywords
_______________________________________________________________ 3 2.3 Abstract
________________________________________________________________ 3 2.4
Introduction _____________________________________________________________ 4
2.5 Geological setting
_________________________________________________________ 5 2.6 40Ar/39Ar
methodology _____________________________________________________ 7 2.7
Results _________________________________________________________________ 9
2.7.1 Mineral reactions _____________________________________________________
10 2.7.2 Isotopic
data_________________________________________________________ 10 2.7.3
Isochron calculations __________________________________________________ 10
2.7.4 Extraneous argon _____________________________________________________
13 2.7.5 Syn- and post-kinematic minerals
________________________________________ 14 Ahorn Shear Zone samples
__________________________________________ 14 Tuxer Shear Zones
samples _________________________________________ 16 Greiner Shear
Zone samples _________________________________________ 18 2.8 Discussion
_____________________________________________________________ 20 2.8.1 Errors
______________________________________________________________ 20
Analytical errors _________________________________________________ 20
Geological errors _________________________________________________ 21 2.8.2
Dating deformation ___________________________________________________ 21
2.8.3 Comparison with age results of previous studies
____________________________ 22 2.9 Conclusion
_____________________________________________________________ 23 2.10
Acknowledgment _______________________________________________________ 24 2.11
References ____________________________________________________________ 24
2.12 Supplementary material __________________________________________________
28 2.12.1 Extraneous argon
____________________________________________________ 28 2.12.2 Example ST0730
of the Tuxer Shear Zones _______________________________ 28 2.12.3 Pre-
kinematic minerals _______________________________________________ 30
Muscovite ______________________________________________________ 30
Biotite _________________________________________________________ 31
K-feldspar _____________________________________________________ 31 2.12.4
Rb/Sr methodology __________________________________________________ 31 2.13
Supplement references ___________________________________________________ 32
3\. Translation of indentation into lateral extrusion across a restraining
bend: The western Tauern Window, Eastern Alps
___________________________________________________ 33 3.1 Keywords
______________________________________________________________ 33 3.2 Abstract
________________________________________________________________ 33 3.3
Introduction _____________________________________________________________ 33
3.4 Geological setting of the western Tauern Window
_______________________________ 34 3.4.1 Tectonometamorphic frame
_____________________________________________ 34 3.4.2 Structural frame
______________________________________________________ 36 3.4.3 Timing of
sinistral and extensional shear___________________________________ 37 3.4.4.
Cooling history ______________________________________________________ 38
3.4.5. Surrounding faults ____________________________________________________
38 Giudicarie Belt and Meran-Mauls basement
_____________________________ 38 Salzach-Ennstal-Mariazell-Puchberg
(SEMP) Fault ______________________ 39 Pustertal-Gailtal Fault
______________________________________________ 39 Defereggen-Antholz-
Vals (DAV) and Speikboden faults __________________ 40 Brenner Fault
____________________________________________________ 40 3.5 Results
_________________________________________________________________ 40 3.5.1
Deformation fabrics ___________________________________________________ 40
3.5.2. Shear zones of the western Tauern Window
________________________________ 42 Ahorn Shear Zone
_________________________________________________ 42 Tuxer Shear
Zones ________________________________________________ 44 Greiner
Shear Zone ________________________________________________ 44 Olperer
Shear Zone ________________________________________________ 44
Ahrntal Shear Zone _______________________________________________ 44
Meran-Mauls basement and Jaufen Fault _______________________________ 45 3.5.3
Structures of the western Tauern Window __________________________________ 46 S1 foliation_______________________________________________________ 46 F2 fold axes and axial planes
_________________________________________ 46 S2 foliations and L2
stretching lineations _______________________________ 46 Shear zones
______________________________________________________ 48 3.5.4 Periphery of
the western sub-dome _______________________________________ 50 Domain
D _______________________________________________________ 50 Domain E
_______________________________________________________ 50 3.5.5 Shear bands
_________________________________________________________ 53 3.5.6 Structural
summary ___________________________________________________ 53 3.5.7
Shortening accommodated by upright folding ______________________________ 53
3.6 Discussion _____________________________________________________________
54 3.6.1 Comparison with earlier studies
_________________________________________ 54 3.6.2 Corner effect of the
Dolomites Indenter ___________________________________ 54 3.6.3 Deformation
fabrics and crustal level _____________________________________ 54 3.6.4 From
upright folding to localized shearing _________________________________ 55
3.6.5 The western Tauern Window: a restraining bend
____________________________ 56 3.6.6. Age of doming in the Tauern Window
____________________________________ 56 3.6.7 Decoupling along the western
margin _____________________________________ 57 3.6.8 Decoupling to the east,
transition to lateral extrusion _________________________ 58 3.6.9 Estimates
of shortening, displacement and extension _________________________ 59 3.7
Conclusion _____________________________________________________________ 62
3.8 Acknowledgement _______________________________________________________ 63
3.9 References _____________________________________________________________
63 3.10 Supplementary material
__________________________________________________ 71 4\. U-Pb ages of apatite
in the western Tauern Window (Eastern Alps): Tracing the onset of collision-
related exhumation in the European plate __________________________________
104 4.1 Keywords _____________________________________________________________
104 4.2 Abstract
______________________________________________________________ 104 4.3
Introduction ___________________________________________________________ 104
4.4 Geological setting _______________________________________________________
106 4.5 Sample description
______________________________________________________ 110 4.6 Methods
______________________________________________________________ 113 4.7 Theory
and Calculations __________________________________________________ 113 4.8
Results and Discussion ___________________________________________________ 114
4.8.1 Analytical and geological errors
________________________________________ 119 4.8.2 Formation or cooling ages
_____________________________________________ 121 4.8.3 Comparison to other
geochronometers ___________________________________ 122 4.8.4 Tectono-
metamorphic implications ______________________________________ 123 4.9
Conclusion ____________________________________________________________ 124
4.10 Acknowledgement _____________________________________________________ 125
4.11 References ___________________________________________________________
125 4.12 Supplementary material
_______________________________________________ 132 5\. The dynamic evolution
of the Tauern Window: a crustal scale expression of upper mantle dynamics
___________________________________________________________________ 145 5.1
Methodological conclusions _______________________________________________ 145
5.2 Geological conclusions ___________________________________________________
145 5.3 Geodynamic implications
_________________________________________________ 146 6\. What will be next?
_______________________________________________________ 149 6.1 Methodological
focus ____________________________________________________ 149 6.1.1 How can
we improve the 40Ar/39Ar geochronometer? ________________________ 149 6.1.2
Can we use other noble gases to understand orogenic processes? _______________
149 6.2 Microstructural focus
____________________________________________________ 150 6.2.1 How can we
better understand major-element mass-transfer?__________________ 150 6.2.2
What tell us trace element distributions? __________________________________
150 6.2.3 Do structural elements act the same or are there fundamental
differences? _______ 150 6.3 Focus on Regional Geology
_______________________________________________ 151
The Tauern Window, a tectonic window, is subject to research in earth sciences
for more than a century. European lower crustal rocks of the western Tauern
Window, once buried below 35 km, were uplifted and exhumed to surface level
during Cenozoic times. Although it has been studied exhaustively there is a
vital discussion which geological processes contributed in which amount to
uplift and exhumation and also when and in which temporal succession these
processes occurred. The Tauern Window plays a key role and is significantly
involved into Eastern Alps tectonics. This work supplies contributions in
structural geology and geochronology to this discussion. Comprehensive
structural field measurements were performed to determine the dominant
structural features. A systematic sampling strategy was performed where highly
and almost not deformed samples were collected for microstructural,
petrological and geochronological investigations. The highly deformed samples
were analyzed with the 40Ar/39Ar in situ technique to obtain deformation ages.
The almost not deformed samples were analyzed with the U-Pb apatite
geochronometer to contrast the cooling history of the rocks with the timing of
localized deformation. The results of this study show that the western Tauern
Window was deformed by a transpressive belt consisting of upright folds and
sinistral shear zones that has the scale of an orogen. It forms a restraining
bend by crustal buckling between two major Alpine fault systems. The obtained
cooling pattern from the U-Pb apatite ages indicates a dome structure in
agreement with earlier studies. The novel aspect is that an early stage of
this cooling event in the Lower Oligocene epoch was dated. Hence, the duration
of cooling and the driving processes causing it were substantially extended.
The longevity of sinistral shear zones comprises for all dated structures
several million years. The termination of those structures was precisely
figured out in some cases. Localized deformation initiated within the entire
western sub-dome contemporaneously to the cooling mentioned above. It
continued until the Upper Miocene and followed the cooling of the dome from
the margins to the center. The sinistral shear zones and for this reason the
entire transpressive belt dominated the uplift and exhumation of the western
Tauern Window.
Das Tauernfenster, ein tektonisches Fensters, ist seit über einem Jahrhundert
Gegenstand geowissenschaftlicher Forschung. Im westlichen Tauernfenster wurden
während des Känozoikums Gesteine der europäischen Unterkruste, die einst bis
in eine Tiefe von >35 km versenkt wurden, durch tektonische Prozesse an die
Erdoberfläche gebracht. Trotz eingehender Studien existiert eine lebendige
Debatte darüber welche geologischen Prozesse welchen Beitrag zur Hebung und
Exhumierung geleistet haben auch darüber wann und in welcher Reihenfolge die
geologischen Ereignisse stattfanden. Das Tauernfenster nimmt eine
Schlüsselrolle ein, von der die Tektonik der Ostalpen maßgeblich abhängt.
Diese Arbeit leistet einen strukturgeologischen und einen geochronologischen
Beitrag zu dieser Debatte. Umfangreiche strukturgeologische Messungen wurden
durchgeführt um die dominanten tektonischen Strukturen zu erfassen.
Systematisch wurden stark und möglichst wenig verformte Proben genommen um
mikrostrukturelle, petrologische und geochronologische Untersuchungen
durchzuführen. Die stark verformten Proben wurden mit der 40Ar/39Ar in situ
Methode datiert um das Alter der Verformung zu erfahren. Die wenig verformten
Proben wurden mit Hilfe des U-Pb Apatit Geochronometers datiert um die
Abkühlung der Gesteine der lokalisierten Verformung zeitlich
gegenüberzustellen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie zeigen, dass das westliche
Tauernfenster durch einen transpressiven Gürtel aus aufrechten Falten und
sinistralen Scherzonen im orogenen Maßstab verformt würde. Es bildet eine
blockierende Krümmung bestehend aus einem Krustenstapel zwischen zwei alpinen
Hauptstörungssystemen. Das Abkühlmuster der U-Pb Apatit Alter wiederspiegelt
eine Domstrutur im Einklang mit früheren Studien. Neu ist, dass ein frühes
Stadium der Abkühlung im Unteren Oligozän datiert wurde. Damit wird die Dauer
der Abkühlung, folglich auch die der verursachenden Prozesse, erheblich
verlängern. Die Langlebigkeit der sinistralen Scherzonen umfasst für alle
datierten Strukturen mehrere Millionen Jahre. Ihr Ende konnte in einigen
Fällen genau erfasst werden. Lokalisierte Verformung entlang der sinistralen
Scherzonen beginnt im gesamten westlichen Sub-dom zeitgleich mit der oben
beschriebenen Abkühlung. Sie dauert bis ins Obere Miozän an und folgt dabei
zeitlich der Abkühlung des Doms vom Rand zum Zentrum. Die sinistralen
Scherzonen und damit der gesamte transpressive Gürtel des westlichen
Tauernfensters dominieren dessen Heraushebung.
XIV, 151 S.
deformation dating
U-Pb dating of apatite
500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik::550 Geowissenschaften, Geologie::554 Geowissenschaften Europas
Exhumation Mechanisms of Middle and Lower Crust in the Western Tauern Window,
Eastern Alps
Prof. Dr. Claudio L. Rosenberg
Prof. Dr, Harry Becker
Exhumierungsmechanismen von Mittlerer und Unterer Kruste im Westlichen Tauern
Fenster, Ostalpen
open access