The topographical and applied anatomy of the feline eye and ear are summarizingly described on the base of literature references. It is followed by drawings of the bones of the orbita, the feline skull in lateral and dorsal view, the ocular muscels, the lacrimal apparatus, the metric lines of the eyeball as also by the opened tympanic cavity. This essables a better understanding of the figures of the cross-sectional anatomy of the cat. The anatomical base for the evaluation of the CT- and MR-images of the feline head is given by the exact discription of the structures of the feline eye and ear. A further requirement for successfull application of the modern imaging methods is the knowledge of the technique of the computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. That is why these methods of study as well as the presentation of the different tissues and the application in veterinary medicine till now were explained. CT- and MR-images of the heads of three healthy European short-haired cats of different age and sex (one approximately two years old female cat, one approximately five years old female cat and one approximately eight years old tomcat) were made. The cats were anaesthetized by intramusculary administered Ketamin-Rompun injection. The CT- and MRI-studies were carried out in the Radiology Division of the University Clinics "Benjamin Franklin" of the Freie Universität Berlin. The "Siemens Somatom Plus" resp. "Siemens Magnetom GBS II" were used. From approximately 100 images of different layer orientations and measuring techniques, eleven CT-images and twenty-four MR-images were selected and evaluated. From each image a corresponding computer-technical schematical drawing and a presentation of the layer orientation were made. For the comparison of the CT- resp. MR-images with the corresponding cross- sectional specimens frozen section of the feline heads in the according layer orientation were made and photographed. In the illustration part of the thesis the CT- resp. MR-image together with the anatomical specimen, which is nearest to this layer orientation, the description of the corresponding CT- and MR-image, the presentation of the layer orientation and the corresponding schematic drawing are represented. By comparing the three examined cats no individual differences could be observed. The CT- and MRI are suitable methods of examination for the detailed representation of the feline eye and ear in cross-sections.