Geiger, Michel-Andreas
The signal-to-noise ratio of MAS NMR signals can be enhanced via dynamic nuclear
polarization (DNP) by several orders of magnitude. DNP can provide new perspectives
in structural biology, metabolomics studies and material science. At cryogenic
temperatures (100 K) stable water-soluble nitroxide biradicals are added to the
investigated samples as polarizing agents. The large polarization of the biradical
electrons can be transferred to the analytes under continuous microwave irradiation via
the so-called cross effect (CE). Hence, the use of DNP enables MAS NMR experiments
that suffer from inherent low sensitivity and would not have been executed normally
due to the excessively long experimental time required for signal averaging. The current
challenge in DNP MAS NMR is the homogeneous and heterogeneous line broadening
and the temperature dependence of the CE. In this work, experimental conditions, parameters and aspects that determine the CE
efficiency were investigated. Novel polarizing agents were tested for the first time, the
methodology further developed and the new insights applied to biomolecular projects.
The amino acid proline and the 62 amino acid long protein SH3 in microcrystalline
form were used as model systems. Four CD3-TOTAPOL isotopologues were
investigated and compared to already established biradicals such as TOTAPOL and
AMUPol in the course of this work. Their CE efficiency was assessed by comparing
enhancement values and the signal-to-noise ratio per 10 min (10minSNR) for 1D hC (1H-
13C CP) experiments in a temperature range between 100 and 200 K at 9.4 T. Signal-to-noise
ratio were analyzed and compared with a newly devised procedure. The deuteration of the methyl groups of 1H-TOTAPOL led to larger signal
enhancements compared to 1H-TOTAPOL. The effect of deuteration of 1H-TOTAPOL
did not influence the electron relaxation parameter as initially hypothesized and are not
the reason for increased CE efficiency of the polarizing agent. Highest signal
enhancements were obtained for the isotopologue CD3-TOTAPOL-0 that has deuterated
methyl groups but protonated 3 and 5 positions of the TEMPO ring. The results
highlight the importance of protons that are at close proximity to the radical center,
presumably involved in the initial polarization buildup. In addition, the new polarizing
agent bcTol, designed for biological applications was tested for the first time in the
course of this work. The maximum signal enhancement that could be obtained was e ~
248 for a sample containing microcrystalline SH3 at 110 K. The bcTol biradical showed
unprecedented solubility in water, GDH and [D8]-glycerol. Measurements of signal-to-noise per unit time suggest a comparable DNP performance of bcTol at 110 K to that of
AMUPol.Furthermore, a 10minSNR study was conducted to investigate the influence of electron
relaxation parameters and the radical linker. Therefore, the novel polarizing agents and
cyolyl-TOTAPOL and bcTol-M were investigated for the first time. bcTol-M is similar
to bcTol but with methyl groups on the nitrogen atoms showed greater 10minSNR ratio
than bcTol. The maximum signal enhancement that could be measured with this radical
was e ~ 302 on a proline sample in a 3.2 mm sapphire rotor at 110 K. The superior
performance compared to bcTol and AMUPol can be mainly attributed to the shorter
1H-T1 times. The presence of the methyl groups on the linkage presumably promotes
nuclear relaxation. Given the simplified handling of the radical and its good
performance in hC cross polarization experiments, bcTol-M constitutes an ideal
polarizing agent for biomolecular DNP MAS NMR studies. The three urea-based
radicals AMUPol, bcTol und bcTol-M show a considerable higher enhancement and
SNR compared to 1H-TOTAPol and cyolyl-TOTAPol. Among the urea based radicals,
the enhancement values do not differ to a large extent but the values for the SNR do.
Furthermore, the electron relaxation times that were measured at the same field as the
NMR spectra (9.4 T) for the radicals 1H- TOTAPOL, cyolyl-TOTAPOL, bcTol,
AMUPol, and bcTol-M do not dominate the performance of the radicals at 110 K, 8 kHz
MAS and 9.4 T. The different performance correlates with the chosen type of linker and
the degree of alkylation, affecting the size of the effective electron-electron dipolar
coupling and the nuclear relaxation times. A sample preparation protocol for the SH3 samples was developed in order to get
reliable and reproducible results. 2D 13C-13C DARR spectra were recorded under DNP
conditions for each radical. The best resolution was obtained for the samples containing
AMUPol as polarizing agent. The signal-to-noise ratio at 200 K on SH3 standard
samples is 15 times larger compared to a sample without polarizing agent. 2D and 3D
NCACX/NCOCX spectra were recorded at 200 K within 1 and 13 hours respectively.
The obtained resolution allows for some spectral assignment of amino acid side chains.
For the novel nitroxide biradical bcTol the signal-to-noise per unit time were higher
compared to AMUPol at 181 K. 2D spectra of the SH3 domain sample recorded at
181 K gave a signal enhancement of e ~ 40 and show sufficient resolution for structural
studies. In the final sections of this thesis, the power of these new insights and
developments were demonstrated on diverse biological problems.
IV, 119 Seiten
Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
Nuclear Magnetic Resonacne
Method Development
500 Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik::540 Chemie::543 Analytische Chemie
Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Method Development and Applications
Oschkinat, Hartmut
Reif, Bernd
Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie
open access