Yang, Jianchang
Title page and contents
1\. Introduction 8
2\. Materials and Methods 23
3\. Results 46
4\. Discussion 49
5\. Summary 55
6/7. References and Curriculum Vitae 56
8\. Acknowledgements 71
Via activation of B1 and/or B2 receptors, kinins play important roles in
mediating the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. After myocardial
infarction, release of components of the kallikrein kinin system such as
kallikrein, kiniogen as well as kinins is increased. Recent study from rat
myocardial infarction (MI) model revealed that the known increase of
bradykinin early after MI is accompanied by an upregulation of both bradykinin
B1 and B2 receptor expression. Cytokines, such like IL1ß, which is also
overexpressed during MI, are capable of modulating the release of bradykinin
and kinin receptor expression in many cell systems under inflammatory
conditions. To get a further view of the co-relationship between cytokine IL1ß
and the expression of kinin B1 and B2 receptors in vascular and cardiac cell
systems, the present study was carried out 1), to characterize the basic
expression of B1 and B2 receptor in cardiac myocytes, cardiac fibroblasts and
aortic smooth muscle cells, 2), to describe the possible influence of IL1ß on
the expression of both kinin receptors in these cell types. If so, 3), to
investigate the time pattern of this regulatory effects; and 4), using a
myocardial infarction rat model to characterize whether a blocked IL1ß
production by an inhibition of IL1ß converting enzyme inhibitor (ICEI) affects
the release of kinin receptors in the heart. 2\. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN in vitro:
neonatal cardiac myocytes, fibroblasts and aortic vascular smooth muscle cells
were cultured. After 12 h serum free medium treatment, total RNA was isolated.
Using RNase protection assay (RPA) method, the amounts of B1R and B2R mRNA
from these cell-RNA samples were investigated, basic expression of B1R and B2R
mRNA was analysed for each cell system. To evaluate the influence of cytokine
IL1ß on the expression of B1R and B2R mRNA in different cell types, cells were
firstly treated with serum free medium, then, new media containing IL1ß was
used. Cells were treated with IL1ß using different concentrations or for
varying times. After treatment, total RNA was isolated from cells and the
amounts of B1R and B2R mRNA were investigated. In vivo: Using a rat model,
myocardial infarction was introduced by coronary artery ligation. Since the
beginning of MI induction rats were treated with the IL1ß converting enzyme
inhibitor HMR 3480. 3 weeks after coronary artery ligation, the hearts were
excised and the left ventricles were separated. Total RNA was isolated from
the infarcted ventricular myocardium, the amounts of B1R and B2R mRNA were
analysed using RPA method. 3\. RESULTS It is shown that basic expression of
bradykinin B1 and B2 receptors (B1R and B2R), could be detected in cultured
cardiomyocytes and aortic vascular smooth muscle cells. In cultured
cardiomyocytes, stimulation of cytokine IL1ß significantly upregulated both
B1R and B2R mRNA expression. This effect was much more stronger on B1R (a
factor of 25 fold) than on B2R (a factor of 3 fold). In aortic vascular smooth
muscle cells, expression of both B1 and B2 receptor mRNA could be detected,
however, IL1ß treatment did not influence their expression in the cells. In
cardiac fibroblasts, expression of both B1 and B2 receptor mRNA was not
detectable, and the addition of IL1ß could not induce their expression. In
vivo studies showed that, after MI induction, administration of IL1ß
converting enzyme inhibitor HMR 3480 downregulated the bradykinin B1 receptor
expression in the infarcted area of the heart, but this treatment caused no
significant changes in B2R expression. 4\. DISCUSSION Cardiomyocytes and
aortic vascular smooth muscle cells constitutively express both bradykinin B1
and B2 receptors. Stimulation with the cytokine IL1ß significantly upregulated
both receptor mRNA expression in cardiomyocytes but not in smooth muscle
cells. In cardiac fibroblasts, expression of both kinin receptor mRNA could
not be detected, and the addition of IL1ß failed to induce their expression.
In vivo studies revealed that the administration of IL1ß converting enzyme
inhibitor downregulated the bradykinin B1 receptor expression in the heart
after MI induction. Based on these data, it can be concluded that the elevated
release of cytokine IL1ß early after myocardial infarction may, at least in
part, upregulate bradykinin B1 and B2 receptor expression through a
cardiomyocyte-specific pathway.
Neueste Studien zeigen, dass der bekannte Anstieg von Bradykinin kurz nach dem
Myokardinfarkt (MI) begleitet wird von einer Hochregulation der Expression der
Bradykinin B1- (B1R) und B2-Rezeptoren (B2R). Zytokine wie Interleukin1ß
(Il1ß) sind in der Lage die Bradykinin (BK)- und Kininrezeptorexpression zu
beeinflussen. Diese Arbeit soll zeigen: 1\. Charakterisierung der basalen B1-
und B2-Rezeptorexpression in kardialen Myozyten (CMC), kardialen Fibroblasten
(CFB) und vasculären glatten Muskelzellen (SMC). 2\. Beschreibung des
möglichen Einflusses von Il1ß auf die Expression beider Kininrezeptoren in
diesen Zelltypen. 3\. Untersuchung welcher Zelltyp verantwortlich ist für
diesen Effekt. 4\. Untersuchung ob Il1ß-Inhibition mit einem Interleukin
Converting Enzym Inhibitor (ICEI) einen Effekt auf die
Kininrezeptorausschüttung im Herzen hat. CMC, CFB und SMC aus neonatalen
Ratten wurden mit und ohne Il1ß-Behandlung kultiviert. Aus diesen Zellen wurde
die Gesamt-RNA isoliert und die Expression des B1R und B2R analysiert.
Zusätzlich wurde bei Ratten durch die Ligation der RIVA ein MI ausgelöst. Mit
der Induktion des MI begann die Behandlung mit dem ICE Inhibitors HMR3480. 3
Wochen später wurden die Gesamt-RNA aus den infarzierten Rattenventikeln
isoliert und und auf die Expression von B1R und B2R untersucht. In CMC wird
durch Stimulation mit Il1ß die B1R- und B2R mRNA Expression hochreguliert.
Dieser Effekt war beim B1R (25fach) wesentlich stärker zu beobachten als beim
B2R (3fach). In SMC konnte die B1R- und B2R mRNA Expression nachgewiesen
werden, aber nicht durch Stimmulation mit Il1ß beeinflußt werden. In CFB
konnte weder B1R- noch B2R mRNA Expression nachgewiesen werden. Diese konnte
auch nicht durch Stimmulation mit Il1ß induziert werden. In vivo Studien
zeigten, dass nach der MI Induktion und Gabe des ICEI HMR3480 die B1R mRNA
Expression im infarzierten Gebiet des linken Ventrikels runterreguliert wurde,
aber keinen Einfluß auf die B2R mRNA Expression hatte. Die erhöhte
Ausschüttung des Cytokines Il1ß kurz nach dem MI könnte die B1R- und B2R mRNA
Expression hochregulieren über eine CMC spezifischen Stoffwechselweg
bradykinin rezeptor
interleukin 1ß
cardiomyocytes myocardial infarction
600 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften::610 Medizin und Gesundheit::610 Medizin und Gesundheit
Influence of Interleukin 1β on the expression of bradykinin B1 and B2 receptor
mRNA in vascular and cardiac cells
Prof. Dr. med. Heinz-Peter Schultheiss
PD Dr. med. Joachim Hoyer
Einfluß von Interleukin 1β auf die Bradykinin B1 und B2 Rezeptor mRNA
Expression in vaskulären und kardialen Zellen
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
open access