The primary aim of this study was to analyse the effect of a prophylactic
treatment with the homeopathic drug Engystol® ad us. vet. in combination with
own blood and Carduus and Coenzyme compositum in 34 Icelandic horses with a
predisposition for summer eczema (SE). As the outbreak of SE could not be
prevented, a therapy with Traumeel® ad us. vet. in the same combination was
added. Changes in the clinical appearance of the patients (alteration of skin
quality, grade of pruritus) were evaluated on the basis of a specially
developed index. At the same time a monitoring of disease progression was
conducted by means of differential haemogram analyses, the functional in-
vitro-tests histamine release test (HRT) and cellular antigen stimulation test
(CAST) using a specially generated extract from Culicoides nubeculosus.
Comparative studies in horses with and without a predisposition for summer
eczema were carried out during winter time to answer the question whether the
diagnosis of SE is possible with the above mentioned in-vitro-tests also in
asymptomatic horses. To gain further insight into the pathogenesis of SE the
acute phase proteins c-reactive protein (CRP) and haptoglobin were recorded.
The cause of SE in the investigation area was determined by using midge traps.
The following results were obtained: 1\. During the phase of prophylaxis a
highly significant (p < 0,001) reduction in the number of lymphocytes towards
the outbreak of SE in the horses of the placebo group was detected. This
decrease was clearly weaker in the verum group and showed no significance at
any time. The outbreak of SE could be deferred - but not significant. 2\. The
therapy applied after the onset of SE led to a highly significant (p < 0,001)
reduction in the grade of pruritus in all 34 Icelandic horses within one week.
Also the index of dermatitis showed a decrease after one week (p < 0,01) as
well as after 2 and 3 weeks (p < 0,001). A positive effect of the prophylactic
treatment with Engystol® ad us. vet. was determined as the pretreated horses
showed a highly significant (p < 0,01) improvement in the index of dermatitis
already after one week whereas the horses of the placebo group showed a
significant reduction (p < 0,05) after 2 respectively 3 (p < 0,01) weeks. The
achievement of the therapy was clearly certified by interrupting the treatment
in August followed by resumption with 26 remaining Icelandic horses. The
decrease in the grade of pruritus as well as in the index of dermatitis showed
high significance (p < 0,001) already one week after the restart of therapy.
3\. For the monitoring of a long-term treatment of SE with Traumeel® ad us.
vet. in the combination with own blood only 28 Icelandic horses remained
available due to cases of disease, sales or changes in habitation. The amount
of total histamine contained in the basophile granulocytes showed a clear
increase from 56,1 22,3 ng/ml before therapy to 74,8 36,1 ng/ml 2 weeks (p
< 0,05), 75,9 26,5 ng/ml 4 weeks (p < 0,01) and 92,3 30,2 ng/ml 6 weeks (p
< 0,001) after therapy. During the following 12 weeks the content of total
histamine remained highly significant (p < 0,001) above the level before
treatment. At the same time a decrease of the histamine release in percent
from the granulocytes after stimulation with the allergen extract occured from
43,9 16,5% to 27,4 14,4% 4 weeks after therapy (p < 0,01). The histamine
release averaged 30,4 19,0% and 29,7 12,1% at six respectively eight weeks
after the beginning of treatment and was therefore significantly lower (p <
0,05) than before therapy. This indicates an increasing desensitisation and
therewith stabilisation of the basophil granulocytes evoked by the therapy
applied. The pretreatment of the horses with Engystol® ad us. vet. again
showed a remarkable positive effect, as the amount of total histamine
contained in the basophils increased significantly 2 weeks earlier in the
verum group. Furthermore a highly significant rise in the level of total
histamine was achieved four (p < 0,01) and six (p < 0,001) weeks earlier than
in the placebo group. Only in the pretreated group a reduction of the
histamine release in percent was detected at four (44,5 11,8% 20,1
14,8%, p < 0,01) and six weeks (44,5 11,8% 27,2 16,7%, p < 0,001) after
therapy, whereas the former placebo group did not show a significantly
declined histamine release at any time. These results indicate, that also the
prophylaxis has the ability to stabilise the content of total histamine of the
basophils as well as to exert a moderating influence on the response towards
the allergen. 4\. By means of comparative studies on six horses with
predisposition for SE and 7 healthy controls during winter time an average
amount of total histamine of 64,5 18,6 ng/ml in the horses with
predisposition compared to 109,2 29,0 ng/ml in the controls was determined.
The mean histamine release obtained was 60,1% 18,2% in the disposed horses
in contrast to 2,3% 1,6% in the healthy animals. In the CAST the horses with
a predisposition for SE produced significantly more (2835,9 pg/ml 1576,3
pg/ml) sLT than non disposed horses (528,7 pg/ml 319,6 pg/ml, p < 0,05).
Thus the CAST and HRT were proven to be reliable tests to differentiate
between horses with and without a predisposition for SE even during
asymptomatic phases. The mean level of C-reactive protein (CRP) obtained in
the sera of the horses with a disposition for SE was 17,3 4,2 µg/ml. This
was highly significant lower than in the sera of the non disposed horses (51,3
17,3 µg/ml, p < 0,001). Further research would be of great interest to
provide deeper insight into the role of CRP in the pathogenesis of SE in
Icelandic horses. The average level of haptoglobin detected in the disposed
horses was clearly higher (1,31 1,24 mg/ml) than in the healthy controls
(0,80 0,65 mg/ml) although their difference did not reach significance. 5\.
During the entire period of this study the actual occurrence of the
Culicoides-subspecies in the investigation area was determined using special
midge traps (soil- and air-traps). C. obsoletus was proven to be the most
numerous subspecies which also showed presence during the whole season. A two-
phase course of occurrence with a maximum in July respectively
September/October was determined for C. obsoletus, which apparently represents
the main cause for SE in the area under investigation. C. pulicaris can be
considered as an additional initiator.