An Annotation Scheme and Corpus for Causality in Political Text. PolitiCAUSE is a corpus of political texts annotated for causality. We provide two types of information: (1) whether a sentence contains a causal relation or not (2) the spans of text that correspond to the cause and effect components of the causal relation. The dataset is available in two ways: (1) As a full dataset containing all annotations and statistics for 55,754 annotation instances. (2) As a train, validation and test splits containing the text and the label of 17,780 unique sentences. We benchmarked the dataset using three transformer-based classification models, the models achieve a moderate performance on the dataset, with a MCC score of 0.62. PolitiCAUSE is a valuable resource for studying causality in texts, especially in the domain of political discourse.
View lessThe Academic Freedom in Constitutions (AFC) dataset is a global comparative dataset with de jure provisions on academic freedom at the level of national constitutions. It covers constitutional guarantees of the freedom of science, of academic freedom, of university autonomy, as well as of the freedom of teaching in 203 countries, spanning the period from 1789 to 2022.
Under what conditions are people prepared to accept restrictions on their personal freedoms in order to protect their own well-being and health, but above all the well-being and health of others? What do decision-making processes have to look like in order to be regarded as legitimate by citizens? Are there freedoms that people do not want to give up under any circumstances? What role does the democratic quality of a political regime play in these questions, and what is the role of various cultural characteristics? These questions, which refer to the area of tension between individual liberties and collective welfare, arise with particular urgency in view of the worldwide Corona pandemic, but also with a view to future crises, such as the impending climate catastrophe. To study these questions, DAPEK surveyed 9,000 respondents from six countries (Germany, Hungary, Japan, Poland, South Korea, and Spain – 1,500 respondents each) in November … Under what conditions are people prepared to accept restrictions on their personal freedoms in order to protect their own well-being and health, but above all the well-being and health of others? What do decision-making processes have to look like in order to be regarded as legitimate by citizens? Are there freedoms that people do not want to give up under any circumstances? What role does the democratic quality of a political regime play in these questions, and what is the role of various cultural characteristics? These questions, which refer to the area of tension between individual liberties and collective welfare, arise with particular urgency in view of the worldwide Corona pandemic, but also with a view to future crises, such as the impending climate catastrophe. To study these questions, DAPEK surveyed 9,000 respondents from six countries (Germany, Hungary, Japan, Poland, South Korea, and Spain – 1,500 respondents each) in November …
View lessIm Projekt „Wertekonflikte in Deutschland“ (WiD) werden Einstellungen der deutschen Wohnbevölkerung zu bestimmten Wertekonflikten gemessen. Dabei beschäftigen wir uns zum einen mit der Frage, inwiefern die voranschreitende Globalisierung zu einer gesellschaftlichen Spaltung beiträgt. Zum anderen fokussieren wir auf den alten Konflikt zwischen dem Drang nach Sicherheit und dem Wunsch nach Freiheit bzw. die Frage, unter welchen Umständen Bürger:innen bereit sind, Freiheitsrechte gegen (versprochene) Sicherheit einzutauschen. Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen wurde eine quotierte Onlineumfrage in Deutschland durchgeführt. Um einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Forschung leisten zu können, greifen wir auf Umfrageexperimente zurück, welche nicht nur umfangreiche Informationen liefern können, sondern auch kausale Analysen ermöglichen.
View lessThe comparative public opinion survey “Public Attitudes towards the Liberal Script” (PALS) is part of the Cluster of Excellence "Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS)". The goal of PALS is to measure citizen attitudes towards what we call the liberal script, a specific understanding of how society should be organized around liberal principles. After having conducted a first wave in 26 countries from December 2021 to July 2022, conducting a second wave in some countries served the following purposes: 1. Re-running the survey with as many respondents from wave 1 as possible in selected countries to explore whether individual attitudes toward the liberal script have changed over time (panel data), 2. interviewing additional respondents from selected countries of wave 1 to be able to make statements about the change of public opinion in these countries (cross-sectional data at two points in time), 3. adding additional questions to address, in particular, the changing global situation with regard to Russia’s war against Ukraine, and 4. extending the geographical coverage to four new countries, namely, Thailand, Israel, Serbia, and Hungary which can be described as battlegrounds concerning the liberal script.
View lessThe norms and institutions of liberal democracy, market economy, and open society have become increasingly contested worldwide. Is the rise of illiberal and authoritarian contestations reflected in a decline of citizens’ acceptance of liberal ideas and values? Are these contestations a response to unfulfilled promises, inherent tensions, or other unresolved challenges? As part of the Cluster of Excellence "Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS)", the comparative public opinion survey “Public Attitudes towards the Liberal Script (PALS)" provides data that lets scholars address these questions. The goal of PALS is first and foremost to measure attitudes towards what we call the liberal script. PALS was conducted in 26 countries (+50,000 respondents) using CAWI (quota sampling) and CAPI (random probability sampling) modes of data collection. The sample draws from a diverse set of countries to provide a global perspective.
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