Abstract: Most chondrites are depleted in moderately volatile elements (MVE) relative to the bulk solar system composition represented by CI chondrites. Here we present high-precision isotope dilution data for 11 moderately volatile elements (S, Cu, Zn, Ga, Se, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Te and Tl) together with Cd and Zn stable isotope compositions for carbonaceous, ordinary, enstatite and Rumuruti chondrites complemented by a literature compilation of MVE stable isotope results. Together these data allow new insights into the processes that led to MVE depletion in chondrites and their redistribution within parent bodies.<br>
Moderately volatile element abundances in carbonaceous, ordinary and Rumuruti chondrites are best explained by two-component mixing between a CI-like MVE-rich matrix and a MVE-poor refractory component dominated by chondrules. The refractory component is enriched in light MVE isotopes due to kinetic recondensation of a small vapor fraction initially lost from chondrules and chondrule precursor dust. Later, thermal metamorphism redistributed some MVE within chondrite parent bodies which is associated with stable isotope fractionation.<br>
Compared to other chondrite classes enstatite chondrites show more complex MVE abundance patterns when the elements are plotted as a function of condensation temperatures. Type 3 and 4 enstatite chondrites are more MVE-rich than expected from their low matrix fractions. Most likely type 3 and 4 enstatite chondrites are MVE-rich, because a larger MVE vapor fraction recondensed after chondrule formation than observed for other chondrite classes and presumably at comparatively high H2 pressures.<br>
Because MVE abundances and isotope compositions are fully consistent with chondrule formation, two-component mixing and MVE redistribution on parent bodies, we refute partial condensation from a hot solar nebula as the cause for MVE depletion in chondrite formation regions of the protoplanetary disk.