The TRR170-DB data repository (https://planetary-data-portal.org/) manages interdisciplinary research data from the collaborative research center ‘Late Accretion onto Terrestrial Planets’ (TRR 170). The repository provides access to TRR 170 data and planetary science data from other research institutions to researchers. Data in the repository reflect the different methods and approaches applied to investigate planet formation processes, including astromaterials data, experimental studies, remote sensing data, and geophysical modeling data. TRR170-DB aligns its data policy and practice to Open Science (https://www.dfg.de/en/research_funding/programmes/nfdi/index.html) and the FAIR principles (Wilkinson et al., https://doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2016.18).
TRR170-DB accepts only research data in digital formats. Data are stored in open electronic formats such as csv (tables), pdf (text), and jpeg and tiff (images). At present, the majority of datasets were provided by TRR 170 authors and are replication data of peer-reviewed articles which appeared in international journals since 2016. These replication datasets are freely available via a digital object identifier (DOI) provided by DataCite (https://datacite.org/). Metadata describe the research data to make it easier to find and to use. The research data are licensed with the Creative Commons license CC0 1.0 to ensure secure public domain use.
Recently, the global findability of TRR170-DB’s research data has been increased by mapping its metadata content to Freie Universität Berlin’s electronic library system ‘Refubium’. Refubium offers seamless integration of our published data to be discovered and accessed via internet search machines and a wide range of other interlinked academic libraries and global information services. As such the TRR170-DB repository and its data will remain accessible for the global planetary community on the long-term while providing the setting that amplifies the use of best practices and collaborative and interdisciplinary research work.