Developing Skills in Dealing with Uncertainty: Teaching and learning materials on the topic of Declining Insect Populations & Agriculture
Titel übersetzt:
Kompetenzen im Umgang mit Unsicherheit erlangen: Lehr- und Lernmaterialien zum Thema Insektensterben und Landwirtschaft
Polze, Hella; Nieberg, Marie; Waldow-Meier, Susanne; Haan, Gerhard de; Böttger, Ilona; Grüßel, Saskia
de Haan, Gerhard
Institut Futur, Freie Universität Berlin
Datum der Freigabe:
Sustainability issues are associated with multi-layered problems, complex interrelationships and a wealth of information. This makes it difficult to reach decisions and take action at personal and societal levels. There is often no clear right or wrong, it is rather a matter of weighing up the options and developing one's own position. This can lead to uncertainty and overwhelm, which hinder motivated, goal-orientated action. This is where the project comes in. It aims to support pupils in being able to act even in the face of complexity and uncertainty. By dealing with facets of the respective subject area in an action-orientated and everyday way, pupils acquire skills that have not been taught much in ESD educational materials to date - how to deal with dilemmas and uncertainty. Dilemma situations in relation to (non-)sustainable developments are addressed using learning materials on 5 biodiversity-related topics. The materials contain suggestions for the design of the learning units as well as a variety of information and worksheets.
Teil des Identifiers:
e-ISBN (online): 978-3-98633-016-3
Freie Schlagwörter:
Dilemmas in sustainable development
Learning materials
Declining Insect Populations
373 Sekundarbildung
Erziehungswissenschaft und Psychologie
Institut Futur, Freie Universität Berlin
Arbeitsbereich Erziehungswissenschaftliche Zukunftsforschung
Teaching and learning materials on the topic of Declining Insect Populations & Agriculture (with copy templates). This collection of materials can be downloaded free of charge as a PDF and reproduced for school and other teaching and learning purposes.