Fear of falling might result in overprotection by one's social environment. In turn, feeling dependent could increase fear of falling. However, the association between fear of falling and perceived overprotection and its temporal order is unknown. This longitudinal study explores this potential mutual longitudinal association. This study presents secondary analyses from a larger trial. We tested the association between fear of falling and perceived overprotection in a cross-lagged path model controlled for falls, health-related quality of life, age, gender, and trial condition. N = 310 participants (M = 70 years, range: 64–92) completed self-reports at Time 1, 7 (Time 2), and 11 weeks (Time 3) after baseline assessment. We found a positive association from fear of falling to perceived overprotection (β = .12, 95% CI[0.02, 0.21], p = .02; β = .10; [0.01, 0.18], p = .03). The reversed cross-lagged paths were not significant. Findings suggest higher fear of falling translates into perceived overprotection, which may in turn increase loss of independence in old age.