Tonteri, Elina
Wiehl, Klaus
In order to achieve the objectives of each work package, the Una.Resin project followed a common
methodology across work packages:
• Development of shared strategies, agendas and policies following definition of scope, mapping of
policies and assets, stakeholder consultation and identification of barriers and enablers of R&I
• Development of an action plan to implement shared priorities
• Initial implementation via pilot actions
• Evaluation of pilot actions
This dataset relates to phases 3 and 4: “Initial implementation via pilot actions” and “Evaluation of pilot
actions”. The pilots were planned considering the learnings of the benchmarking phase described in the
dataset “Una.Resin_WP1_T1.2_benchmarking‐questionnaire_20240125” and the co‐creation workshops
described in the dataset “Una.Resin_WP1_co_creation workshops_20240129 “.
Even if common methodology across work packages was a guideline for us, we did not follow it fully
chronologically, but the tasks were overlapping enabling that we could consider the key learnings from the
pilots in the Una Europa R&I strategy and roadmap development.
Concerning specifically the work done in WP1, the main major tasks of the benchmarking phase were: R&I
Strategy Benchmarking including the benchmarking questionnaire and benchmarking of the publicly
available strategies of the Una Europa universities; on‐line R&I Strategy Workshop involving academics
from all partner universities; One Health SSC Workshop involving academics from the Una Europa One
Health focus area; Online Consultation of the Una Europa Community done using Viima platform and done
in collaboration with the Una Europa 2030 Strategy process and answers of the eight strategic questions
for targeted to the Una Europa partners institutions done also as part of the Una Europa 2030 strategy. All
these activities have been described in the Una.Resin WP1 Deliverable 1.1. “Benchmarking R&I Strategies
and Priorities for a Joint Una Europa Strategy”.
WP1 was working closely with the clusters of research professionals, especially the Research coordination
cluster chaired by UH and the Cluster for Public, Private and Third Sector Collaboration (PPTSC) chaired by FUB to understand the relevant structures and processes to build sustainable support for Una Europa
research‐collaboration. We also collected insights from the Una Europa focus area self‐steering
committees. The pilot 1 was planned and carried out together with the One Health SSC.
All the eight Una.Resin project Partner universities were involved either in planning and/or in the
implementation of these pilots: University of Edinburgh; University of Helsinki; University of Bologna;
Complutense University of Madrid; Freie University Berlin; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Jagiellonian
University; Université Paris 1 Panthéon‐Sorbonne.
Horizon 2020 Una.Resin project Work Package 1 Pilot 1 “Developing a format for supporting systematic
collaboration on the Una Europa priority global challenges” (T1.11)
Under this pilot we had two separate actions: 1) Una Europa R&I strategy workshop and 2) Piloting a
process Horizon Europe Pillar II Call matchmaking. The first part is described in the dataset
“Una.Resin_WP1_co_creation workshops_20240129”. In this dataset we provide the key documents of
the part “Piloting a process Horizon Europe Pillar II Call matchmaking”.
According to the Una.Resin WP1 benchmarking phase and as outcome of the co‐creation workshops and
the discussions with the Un Europa focus area self‐steering committees, there is a major interest and
unused potential in our alliance regarding European funding, particularly Horizon Europe Pillar II funding.
There are existing support service structures at most partner universities, thus there is potential to build
systematic and sustainable support for the calls also on Una Europa level and to share each other´s best
practices. In this pilot process we identified the enabling and hindering structures, processes, and cultures
at the partner universities and at the alliance level. We also shared best practises and tools to create an
ideal process.
The pilot action was designed and facilitated in close collaboration with the Una Europa Research Coordination
Cluster, the Self‐steering committee of the One Health focus area as well as the Una Europa Vzw
external funding manager. We also had an honour to have an EC keynote speaker at the first of our two
workshop, Research Policy Officer Jean‐Charles Cavitte. He familiarized the participants with EC policy and
EU funded research linked to One Health.
The whole process from first planning meetings to the evaluation phase lasted from February 2022 until
September 2023. The pilot included the following steps: 1) Collecting expressions of interest on‐line using
Lyyti platform (https://www.lyyti.com/en/); 2) Identification and briefing of the potential coordinators; 3)
On‐line workshop including i) common session highlighting the European goals and the call particularities
as well as ii) facilitated group discussion aiming to draft the core idea of the proposal and appointing the
core group for the proposal preparation. We used the template created in the R&I strategy workshop
(Zoom as a meeting platform and Google Slides for the on‐line canvases); 4) Hybrid (on‐line and on‐site)
workshop for the groups of researchers who engaged with proposal preparation (Teams). In this workshop
the participants had a change i) to learn about the call particularities and proposal writing in the plenary
sessions, ii) get support for the proposal drafting and iii) to participate Una Europa One Health networking
event. The workshop was organised in connection to the Una Europa General Assembly; 5) Proposal
preparation phase; 6) On‐line evaluation questionnaire after the process (Lyyti platform). In this dataset
we provide the key documents to understand the process and to take the learning to future use.
Horizon 2020 Una.Resin project Work Package 1 Pilot 2 “Developing a concept for an Una Europa
collaboration platform” (Task 1.12)
The task was aimed at collecting insights on what a joint platform for collaboration between Una Europa
researchers and non‐academic partners should consist of. To develop this concept, a series of consultations
and workshops were organized, and a preliminary mapping exercise took place. The key workshops
contributing to this task have been presented in the dataset: “Una.Resin_WP1_co_creation
workshops_20240129”. In addition, insights were collected from the Una.Resin WPs, Una.Resin Cluster
chairs and the self‐steering committees of the Una Europa focus areas. The Research coordination cluster
contributed to the concept development in several stages and in particular in RCC workshop in Paris in 2022
and in discussions in Edinburgh in September 2022.
European University Alliances
European Research Area
000 Informatik, Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werke::060 Verbände, Organisationen, Museen::063 Allgemeine Organisationen in Mitteleuropa; in Deutschland
Freie Universität Berlin
Abteilung Internationales
open access
Horizon 2020