This is the fifteenth of a series of miscellaneous contributions, by various authors, where hitherto unpublished data relevant to both the Med-Checklist and the Euro+Med (or Sisyphus) projects are presented. This instalment deals with the families Amaranthaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Cactaceae, Campanulaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Compositae, Cyperaceae, Dipsacaceae, Leguminosae, Lentibulariaceae, Molluginaceae, Montiaceae, Onagraceae, Orobanchaceae, Pinaceae, Plantaginaceae, Polygalaceae, Rosaceae, Rubiaceae, Umbelliferae and Violaceae. It includes new country and area records and taxonomic and distributional considerations for taxa in Acacia, Amaranthus, Bupleurum, Campanula, Carex, Claytonia, Dysphania, Epilobium, Erigeron, Galium, Gelasia, Hieracium, Lathyrus, Lomelosia, Lonicera, Mollugo, Nothoscordum, Opuntia, Orobanche, Picea, Plantago, Polycarpon, Polygala, Rubus, Scorzoneroides, Utricularia, Veronica, Vicia and Viola, and a correction to a previous notula for Trifolium pachycalyx in Greece.