Six interlocutors were asked to take photographs and to talk about them with the researcher afterwards. There were previous conversations and interviews with all of the interlocutors. In the end, five interlocutors participated in the reflexive photo interview. Participants were asked to think about places, objects, or people that were meaningful to them. It has been communicated to them that the photographs can depict anything. The task given was to photograph something that will help them illustrate to the researcher what is important to them. Important either because of the experiences they want to illustrate or because of the activities they associate with the photograph. In addition to talking to everyone about this task face-to-face, the researcher sent the following phrase to all participants via text message, WhatsApp Messenger, or email: "Take pictures of the places, objects, people and events that constitute an important part of your everyday life." The participants were assured that the photographs do not have to be of professional quality, but that the emphasis is on capturing their surroundings and perceptions. All interlocutors were offered a disposable camera, but only one person chose to use it. The other four participants decided to use the camera of their cell phone. The reasons given were higher resolution of the image, easier handling and current technology. One interlocutor chose the disposable camera because he did not own a cell phone with an integrated camera. The interlocutors were motivated to take several photos, but ultimately to select a maximum of ten photos from the printed images for the interview. All were given two weeks to complete the photographs.