Weather Prediction in Babylonia
Ossendrijver, Mathieu
Year of publication:
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This paper addresses developments in the prediction of weather phenomena in Late Babylonian scholarly texts. Previously published and unpublished texts are analyzed and the underlying methods are compared with omen-based weather prognostication, developments in Babylonian astronomical prediction and reporting practices in the astronomical diaries. It is found that some texts combine long-term astronomical prediction with inferential methods for predicting weather phenomena. It is argued that these new methods for predicting weather phenomena are part of a larger Babylonian effort to predict and explain non-astronomical phenomena by relating them to predictable astronomical phenomena.
Part of Identifier:
e-ISSN (online): 2328-9562
astronomical diaries
Babylonian astral science
celestial divination
weather prediction
935 Geschichte Mesopotamiens und der iranischen Hochebene bis 637
Publication Type:
Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
URL of the Original Publication:
DOI of the Original Publication:
Journal of Ancient Near Eastern History
Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften
Institut für Wissensgeschichte des Altertums
Institut für Altorientalistik
Funding ID:
885 478 ERC Advanced Grant
Die Publikation wurde aus Open Access Publikationsgeldern der Freien Universität Berlin gefördert. This is a ZODIAC publication. The ZODIAC project has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s H2020-EXCELLENT SCIENCE programme, ERC Advanced Grant Nr. 885 478.
Journal of Ancient Near Eastern History
Series/Multivolume Number:
Vol. 8, Nr. 1-2