Fenster in eine andere Zeit: temporale Alteritätserfahrungen und audiovisuelle Medien
Ein medienkulturtheoretischer Versuch mit Fallanalysen aus Film, Fernsehserie und Videospiel
Translated Title(s):
Windows to Another Time: Experiences of Temporal Alterity and Audiovisual Media. A Venture in Media Culture Theory with Case Analyses in Film, Television Series and Video Game
Year of publication:
Available Date:
This essay explores the relationship between temporal alterity and audiovisual media, building on case analyses of select works in film, television series and video game. Sketching a notion of audiovisual windows and starting, among others, from Deleuze’s idea of cinematic time crystals, the paper designs a media culture theory of temporal alterity that is split between alienation (aesthetic experience of time) and absorption (anaesthetic experience of time). Central to this venture is an attempt to outline six fundamental forms of temporal otherness in audiovisual media while, on a thematic level,
the ultimate quest for the absolute other of human time leads to imaginations of celestial phenomena like astral or angelic time and instruments of intertemporal communication like time portals.
Part of Identifier:
e-ISSN (online): 2198-0330
temporal otherness
audiovisual windows
aesthetic time
anaesthetic time
media culture theory
830 Literaturen germanischer Sprachen; Deutsche Literatur
Publication Type:
Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
URL of the Original Publication:
DOI of the Original Publication:
Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Germanistik
Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaften
Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie