Nephron Sparing Surgery in Renal Allograft in Recipients with de novo Renal Cell Carcinoma: Two Case Reports and Review of the Literature
Hubatsch, Mandy; Peters, Robert; Maxeiner, Andreas; El-Bandar, Nasrin; Weinberger, Sarah; Friedersdorff, Frank
Year of publication:
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We report 2 cases of de novo renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in renal grafts after transplantation. Both patients underwent nephron sparing surgery (NSS) 211 and 167 months after transplantation, revealing papillary RCC with a tumour size >4 cm (pT1a). Within a follow-up of 25 and 32 months after NSS, a stable renal function without indication for dialysis was present. No recurrence of RCC in both cases was reported within the yearly routine examinations. NSS in kidney allografts is a safe procedure with preservation of renal function.
Part of Identifier:
ISSN (print): 0042-1138
e-ISSN (online): 1423-0399
Renal cell carcinoma
Kidney transplantation
Posttransplant malignancy
Nephron sparing surgery
610 Medizin und Gesundheit
Publication Type:
Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
DOI of the Original Publication:
PubMed ID of the Original Publication:
Urologia Internationalis
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Copyright applies in this work.
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
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