This Web Appendix consist of three parts (A-C).
Part A includes tables that give an overview on the literature on single Solution Business-Specific Capabillities (SBSCs) and comprehensive categorizations of SBSCs and show how these relate to the capability elements that were empirically measured in the study.
Part B consists of tables that provide information on the sample characteristics and the measurement model evaluation for the Solution Business Fitness (SBF) construct.
Part C includes tables that give information on the analyses that were conducted to test the relation between SBF components and firm performance.
The Web Appendix provides additional information (Tables) to the paper "Solution Business Fitness: Measuring and Managing Across Business Logics" by Kleinaltenkamp, M., Nenonen, S., Raithel, M., & Storbacka, K. published in the Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing.