A mixed-integer linear programming approach to the reduction of genome-scale
metabolic networks
Röhl, Annika; Bockmayr, Alexander
Year of publication:
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Constraint-based analysis has become a widely used method to study metabolic
networks. While some of the associated algorithms can be applied to genome-
scale network reconstructions with several thousands of reactions, others are
limited to small or medium-sized models. In 2015, Erdrich et al. introduced a
method called NetworkReducer, which reduces large metabolic networks to
smaller subnetworks, while preserving a set of biological requirements that
can be specified by the user. Already in 2001, Burgard et al. developed a
mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) approach for computing minimal
reaction sets under a given growth requirement.
constraint-based modeling
metabolic networks
model reduction
mixed-integer linear programming
570 Biowissenschaften; Biologie
Publication Type:
Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
Also published in:
BMC Bioinformatics. - 18 (2017), Artikel Nr. 2
URL of the Original Publication:
DOI of the Original Publication:
Mathematik und Informatik
Institut für Mathematik
Funding ID:
Open Access Publikationsfonds