Ultrafast kinetics of linkage isomerism in Na2[Fe(CN)5NO] aqueous solution
revealed by time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
Raheem, Azhr A.; Wilke, Martin; Borgwardt, Mario; Engel, Nicholas; Bokarev, Sergey I.; Grell, Gilbert; Aziz, Saadullah G.; Kühn, Oliver; Kiyan, Igor Yu.; Merschjann, Christoph; Aziz, Emad F.
Year of publication:
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The kinetics of ultrafast photoinduced structural changes in linkage isomers
is investigated using Na2[Fe(CN)5NO] as a model complex. The buildup of the
metastable side-on configuration of the NO ligand, as well as the electronic
energy levels of ground, excited, and metastable states, has been revealed by
means of time-resolved extreme UV (XUV) photoelectron spectroscopy in aqueous
solution, aided by theoretical calculations. Evidence of a short-lived
intermediate state in the isomerization process and its nature are discussed,
finding that the complete isomerization process occurs in less than 240 fs
after photoexcitation.
Part of Identifier:
ISSN (print): 2329-7778
530 Physik
Publication Type:
Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
Also published in:
Structural Dynamics. - 4 (2017), 4, Artikel Nr. 044031
URL of the Original Publication:
DOI of the Original Publication:
Institut für Experimentalphysik
Der Artikel wurde in einer reinen Open-Access-Zeitschrift publiziert.