Shake processes of different origin are identified in the KLL Auger spectrum of H2S with unprecedented detail. The KLL Auger spectrum is presented together with the S 1s−1 photoelectron spectrum including the S 1s−1V−1nλ and S 1s−12p−1nλ shake-up satellites with V−1 and nλ indicating a hole in the valence shell and an unoccupied molecular orbital, respectively. By using different photon energies between 2476 and 4150 eV to record the KLL Auger spectra two different shake-up processes responsible for the satellite lines are identified. The first process is a shake-up during the Auger decay of the S 1s−1 core hole and can be described by S 1s−1→2p−2V−1nλ. The second process is the Auger decay of the shake-up satellite in the ionization process leading to S 1s−1V−1nλ→2p−2V−1nλ transitions. By combining the results of photoelectron and Auger spectra the involved V−1nλ levels are assigned.