Seit dem Sommer 2015 untersuchten wir an der KFS zunächst im Schwerpunkt KatFlucht, ab Oktober 2018 dann im Projekt WAKE die Bewältigung der Flüchtlingssituation 2015/16 durch den deutschen und europäischen Zivil- und Katastrophenschutz. Dass es keine sieben Jahre später wieder dazu kommen sollte, dass wir es in Europa mit massiven Flüchtlingsbewegungen zu tun haben, war nicht absehbar. In den (sozialen) Medien werden zunehmend Referenzen zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs oder zu 2015/16 hergestellt. Das UNHCR spricht von einem Exodus, wie er nur äußerst selten vorkommt, da innerhalb einer Woche knapp eine Millionen Menschen fliehen musste. Unser Analysefokus liegt auf der Bewältigung der Situation durch staatliche und nicht-staatliche Akteure, insbesondere des Zivil- und Katastrophenschutzes: Wir beobachten gegenwärtig sowohl sehr ähnliche als auch ganz andere Bewältigungsformen wie 2015/16.
Wir haben daher aus der Perspektive der sozialwissenschaftlichen Katastrophenforschung hier erste Thesen v. a. bezogen auf Deutschland zusammengestellt, mit denen wir Denkanstöße dazu liefern wollen, wo es Gemeinsamkeiten gibt, wo Unterschiede und wo auch Weiterentwicklungen des Feldes des Zivil- und Katastrophenschutzes von 2015/16 bis heute stattgefunden haben.
View lessDie vorliegende Untersuchung analysiert die Bedeutung von Rassismus in der Arbeitsmigrationspolitik des Deutschen Kaiserreichs in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten vor 1914. Der scheinbare Widerspruch zwischen der Idee eines ethnisch homogenen Nationalstaats und dem ökonomischen Bedarf an ausländischen Arbeitskräften wird mithilfe des Konzepts des Racial Capitalism aufgelöst. Die Studie zeigt auf Basis einer Analyse von Archivmaterialien der preußischen und Reichsregierung, wie die rassistische Hierarchisierung von Personen ein Migrationsregime formte, welches auf die Maximierung wirtschaftlicher Profite abzielte. Die Folge dieser restriktiven Maßnahmen war, dass migrantische Arbeitskräfte schlechtere Bedingungen erdulden mussten als einheimische. Gleichzeitig stabilisierte der so geschaffene Duale Arbeitsmarkt das politische System, indem er soziale Mobilität gezielt einschränkte und die Arbeiter*innenklasse spaltete, um Solidarität und kollektiven Widerstand möglichst zu verhindern. Die Relevanz dieser Analyse zeigt sich in der Fortwirkung solcher Strukturen in der aktuellen Migrations- und Arbeitsmarktpolitik Deutschlands und der Europäischen Union.
View lessThis paper proposes a concept of infrastructures of feeling, building on Raymond Williams’ work on structures of feeling and contributing to current work on digital media/tion, affect and time. It draws on empirical research conducted over the past decade on these themes, including art-making workshops with young people and interviews with digital media professionals. In the first part of the paper, I intro-duce the concept of infrastructures of feeling and what it might offer to understandings of the contem-porary period. In the second part, I develop its affective and temporal dimensions. I suggest that today’s digitally mediated feelings are non-unified, contested, ambiguous and ambivalent and that they indicate a condition of middleness, or being in midst of form/ation and transformation. In the third part, I consider some of the implications of this argument for cultural politics, including for rethinking distance/ resence and what resistance might look and feel like.
View lessThis paper investigates the determinants of inflation target credibility (ITC) using a unique survey we designed to measure the credibility of the ECB’s inflation target. Containing over 200,000 responses from German consumers collected between January 2019 and November 2024, our dataset enables us to estimate the effect of both positive and negative deviations of inflation from the 2% target on ITC. In contrast to the symmetry of the ECB’s inflation target, we find that ITC is asymmetric, i.e. consumers respond significantly and plausibly signed to target deviations only when inflation is above target. When inflation is below target, however, the credibility of the inflation target cannot be improved by raising the inflation rate to close the gap.
View lessFood innovations offering new sources of protein as well as new urban food production aims to provide solutions for food production under restricted resources. The alternative protein sources and urban agriculture are not part of the daily lives in Germany. Involving the public in research on food innovations not only helps to increase consumer acceptance (Tuorila and Hartmann, 2020) but also can facilitate more responsible research and innovation. To date, only few studies have investigated consumer acceptance of new food solutions in Germany (Weinrich and Elshiewy, 2019) and little is known about the consumers’ perceptions of innovations with longer time horizons. Therefore, the present study investigates the public perceptions of selected food innovations (algae, crickets, halophytes, jellyfish) and urban food production in Germany.
View lessIn der Agrar und Nahrungsmittelindustrie (Agro Food) kommen viele zentrale Herausforderungen unserer Zeit zusammen Daher arbeiten politische Entscheidungsträger innen Forscher innen und Praktiker innen intensiv an einem fundamentalen Systemwandel, bei dem Innovation eine wesentliche Rolle spielt Trotz guter Absichten wird der nachhaltige Einfluss von F&E auf Transformation durch unvorhergesehene Konsequenzen, Systemdynamiken und komplexitäten gefährdet (Mao et al 2020 Ein möglicher Forschungsansatz, um sich diesen Herausforderungen zu stellen, ist Foresight Es ist jedoch schwierig, die Komplexität von Transformationsprozessen in Foresight Aktivitäten zu reflektieren Dadurch bleiben Interdependenzen zwischen technologischem und sozialem Wandel häufig unbeachtet Wir adressieren diese Lücke mit Hilfe eines Foresight Prozesses, der die Wünschbarkeit zukünftiger Future Food Optionen für eine nachhaltige Agro Food Systemtransformation in Deutschland zur Diskussion stellt, und die Zukunftsoptionen vor dem Hintergrund von Systemkomplexität und interdependenzen während sozio technologischer Veränderungen neu bewertet
View lessMotivated by the recent surge in union drives, we present a theoretical model of the factors that influence unionization. An employee seeking to unionize their workplace assembles organizers to persuade coworkers to vote in favor. If unionization benefits workers, it is more likely to succeed when the organizers are credible. Credibility depends on the organizers not being overly biased and/or bearing significant organizational costs. Our theory explains why grassroots movements, rather than established unions, often succeed in organizing workplaces. Interestingly, the likelihood of successful unionization, when it benefits workers, is non-monotonic with respect to organizational costs. When such costs are low, a firm that opposes unionization and targets organizers may paradoxically increase the chances of success. However, the unionization drive is ineffective if the firm’s opposition is sufficiently strong, as this makes organizational costs prohibitive.
View lessThis study explores the factors influencing household overcrowding using longitudinal survey data from Germany spanning the years 1985 to 2022. As average square meters per capita have declined for urban tenants, we find that overcrowding rates have substantially increased since 2012: By 2022, 11% of the population lived in overcrowded housing (Eurostat definition), while up to 19% of individuals subjectively felt overcrowded. At the same time, under-occupation also rose, with 39% of dwellings objectively classified as under-occupied, and 16% of residents subjectively perceiving their homes as under-occupied. We demonstrate that the likelihood of entering, experiencing, and remaining in overcrowded housing increases in early adulthood and decreases over the life cycle. Moreover, we find that, after controlling for socio-demographic characteristics such as the number of children or a migration background, economic factors contribute relatively little to explaining the likelihood of living in an overcrowded household. In policy terms, our paper highlights a misallocation of housing space and the need for housing policies to target particular vulnerable groups at high risk of overcrowding.
View lessAngesichts globaler Krisen und großer gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen bedarf es einer Bildung, die Menschen zur aktiven Teilhabe an den notwendigen Veränderungsprozessen befähigt. Der OECD-Lernkompass 2030 ist ein Rahmenkonzept zur Entwicklung von Curricula und definiert zentrale Schlüsselkompetenzen, die Schüler:innen zur Zukunftsgestaltung befähigen sollen. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht, auf Basis des OECD-Lernkompasses 2030, ob und in welcher Form zukunftsgestaltende Kompetenzen in den Berliner Rahmenlehrplänen der Sekundarstufe I verankert sind. Die qualitative Inhaltsanalyse von 16 Rahmenlehrplänen zeigt, dass das im OECD-Lernkompass 2030 beschriebene Bild einer gestaltbaren und offenen Zukunft in den Dokumenten nicht konsequent verankert ist. Stattdessen liegt der Schwerpunkt überwiegend auf der Vorbereitung auf die Zukunft. Anknüpfungspunkte zu den Transformationskompetenzen – Schaffung neuer Werte, Umgang mit Spannungen und Dilemmata, sowie Verantwortungsübernahme – sind in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß in den Dokumenten zu finden. Die Arbeit hebt hervor, dass insbesondere für die Kompetenzen Umgang mit Spannungen und Dilemmata sowie Verantwortungsübernahme bereits zahlreiche Anknüpfungspunkte in den Lehrplänen vorhanden sind. Die Arbeit diskutiert verschiedene Ansätze, um zukunftsgestaltende Kompetenzen in künftigen Lehrplanrevisionen systematisch zu verankern.
View lessHistory shows militarily dominant states that pursue imperialism, relying on their might to extort resources from weaker states. Occasionally, the latter revolt and the dominant state suffers some casualties. This paper explores imperialism along steady-growth paths. If the dominant state maximizes domestic welfare, it should eventually abandon imperialism because its safety costs asymptotically overrun its material benefits. To shed light on diametrically opposed historical records, I propose a model of endogenous ideology and war bias in which the political elite cares about self-image. If that concern is strong enough, the political elite gradually identifies with its country’s mission of hegemony and imperialism persists. It is first driven by material concerns and later by ideal ones. Despite its divergent preferences, the population of a dominant state generally has little interest to oppose imperialism.
View lessRecently, there is a growing interest in understanding how individuals adapt to changing climate conditions and climate-induced extreme weather events. An underexplored question is whether and how climate-related natural hazards affect household saving behavior. For this purpose, we exploit a natural experiment stemming from the European Flood of August 2002. Combining micro data with geo-coded flood maps allows us to analyze the causal impact of flood exposure on household savings within a differences-in-differences setting. We find that flood exposure depresses household saving behavior in the medium run. The most likely explanation is moral hazard induced by massive government support for affected households.
View lessMuch literature on the disaster-culture nexus focuses on tangible elements such as demograpics or geography and adopts an anthropocentric Western and positivistic mindset. In contrast, this Working Paper applies an epistemological ‘disaster*cultures’ approach to Indonesia. We put the onus on construction processes, interpreting and finding meaning rather than on identifying set patterns, and highlight how culture does not refer to ‘exotic’ processes that can only be studied at the community level. Researchers, practitioners and policy-makers all approach disasters and risks through their own specific (disciplinary) lenses. The first part of thiw Working Paper will introduce our disaster*cultures-approach. Subsequently, analysing academic literature in English and Bahasa Indonesia, but also poems, art, toponyms, grey literature and selected exchanges conducted with Indonesian tsunami scientists and disaster management officials in 2022 as part of the TSUNAMI_RISK research project, we review the socio-historical ways through which multi-ple disaster*cultures have formed in Indonesia. The remainder of the Working Paper details the main disaster stakeholders, policies and practices at play in Indonesia today, particularly in re-gard to the Indonesian Tsunami Warning System (InaTEWS) and efforts to detect non-seismically induced tsunamis. As such, we aim to provide disaster scholars and practitioners with a holistic overview of the Indonesian contexts in which they operate, and to facilitate more socio-culturally sensitive technology and warning system development.
View lessThis case study examines and analyses the socio-environmental impacts of the implementation of ecotourism in Colombia’s Tayrona National Natural Park from the period following the peace agreements in 2016 until 2021. This paper explores the social and environmental implications of ecotourism as a means of territorial pacification, assessing the park’s environmental trajectory and the current administration to determine if its management aligns with the ecotourism objectives of environmental conservation and protection of indigenous communities within their ancestral territory. Additionally, the study also evaluates the debate surrounding the environmental and cultural sustainability of ecotourism as a development strategy, and assesses its positive and negative impacts on this natural area previously affected by armed conflict.
View lessIn the early 21st century, Bolivia and Peru experienced remarkable economic growth, coupled with notable reductions in poverty and inequality. However, the subsequent economic slowdown triggered by declining international commodity prices raised concerns about the sustainability of their progress. Historically, both nations have been vulnerable to fluctuations in global commodity prices, often resulting in social unrest and political instability. This study examines whether the significant influx of resources to Bolivia and Peru from 2003 to 2013, attributed to the commodity boom, fostered structural transformation or, on the contrary, reinforced their dependence on the global economy. Analyzing macroeconomic and productivity data, the research indicates a strong correlation between their economic performance and the commodity supercycle trend. A primary finding suggests that rather than fostering a more self-reliant economic integration, the 21st-century economic boom exacerbated the reliance of both nations on natural resource extraction. However, a more nuanced examination reveals divergent medium-term impacts driven by each nation’s development model. Peru, through diversification of international revenue streams and prudent macroeconomic policies, managed to mitigate the effects of declining commodity prices. In contrast, Bolivia’s economy bore the brunt of diminishing income, not only due to the end of the commodity boom but also due to insufficient investments in productive sectors.
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