Model output (.nc-Data) used in our paper "The Role of Cosmogenic 10Be Deposition for the Detectability of Solar Proton Events". Our simulations were carried out with the chemistry-climate model ECHAM/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry (EMAC) (Jöckel et al., 2016), which is based on the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast Hamburg general circulation model 5 ECHAM5 (Roeckner et al., 2006) and the modular earth submodel system (MESSy) model version 2.55. The simulations were conducted using a horizontal/vertical resolution of T42L47MA corresponding to a Gaussian grid of 2.8 by 2.8° in latitude and longitude and 47 layers in height, with the model top at 0.01 hPa (~80 km). Meta data .nc-files: drwxr-x--- 0 2023-04-26 10:52 Be10_E/ -rw-r----- 3062020908 2023-04-26 10:48 Be10_E/ -rw-r----- 9962985888 2023-04-26 10:40 Be10_E/ -rw-r----- 2325919440 2023-04-26 10:37 Be10_E/ -rw-r----- 6906100152 2023-04-26 10:51 Be10_E/ -rw-r----- 424324076 2023-04-26 10:36 Be10_E/ -rw-r----- 9615406184 2023-04-26 10:44 Be10_E/ -rw-r----- 2883117460 2023-04-26 10:53 Be10_E/ -rw-r----- 940611136 2023-04-26 10:52 Be10_E/ -rw-r----- 10392359820 2023-04-26 10:47 Be10_E/ -rw-r----- 1942751332 2023-04-26 10:52 Be10_E/ -rw-r----- 817923120 2023-04-26 10:49 Be10_E/ - Be10_E is the ensemble mean of 10 simulations - time = 156 months (monthly data) - lev = 47 vertical levels - lat = 64 latitudes - lon = 128 longitudes - 4d variables: time, lev, lat, Lon - 3d variables: time, lat, lon - passive tracer: GCRmin/maxs1...4, GCRmin/maxt1...4, SPE1...12 (see description in paper) - _gp: grid point variables - see ncdump -c nc-.file for complete information on .nc-file Overview: - general model output, variables e.g. aprl_ave (large scale precipitation), aprc_ave (convective precipitation), aprs_ave (snow fall) - model output submodel SCAV, variables e.g. wetflx_aer_ls_GCRmins1_ave (large scale aerosol wet deposition flux for tracer GCRmins1), wetflx_aer_cv_GCRmins1_ave (convective aerosol wet deposition flux for tracer GCRmins1) - model output submodel SEDI, variables e.g. sediflux_SPE1_ave (sedimentation flux for tracer SPE1) - model output submodel SCALC (sums up variables from other submodels for convenience), variables e.g. WetFluxSPE1_ave (wet deposition flux for tracer SPE1), DryFluxSPE1_ave (dry deposition flux for tracer SPE1), SediFluxSPE1_ave (sedimentation deposition flux for tracer SPE1) - model output submodel DDEP, variables e.g. ddepflux_GCRmins1_ave (dry deposition flux for tracer GCRmins1), ddepflux_GCRmint3_ave (dry deposition flux for tracer GCRmint3) - model output submodel PTRAC, variables e.g. GCRmaxt4_ave (amountfraction of tracer GCRmaxt4) - model output submodel IMPORT, variables e.g. TN_GLE69_be1_ave (imported GLE#69 Be10 production rate to represent SPE) - general model output, variables e.g. wind10_ave (10 m wind speed) - general model output, variables e.g. tsurf_ave (surface temperature) - general model output, variables e.g. grmassdry_ave (mass of dry air) - model output submodel TROPOP, variables e.g. tp_WMO_ave (WMO tropopause pressure)