This directory contains the experimental data and the code used in the paper "Probing resonant Andreev reflections by photen-assisted tunneling at the atomic scale" by Olof Peters, Nils Bogdanoff, Sergio Acero Gonzalez, Larissa Melischek, J. Rika Simon, Gaël Reecht, Clemens B. Winkelmann, Felix von Oppen and Katharina J. Franke. This is a short guide how to handle the files in this directory. 1) Experimental data: The experimental data is available here as raw data, as shown in the figures in the main text and in the supplementary information. All data is saved as .csv files. There is a subfolder for each figure. Folders with names in the form FigSX refer to the illustrations in the supplemental information. Individual sub-figures: There are two types of figures saved in these .csv files. The first is a 1D plot in which the measured data was plotted as a function of one parameter and the second is a 2D plot in which the measured data was displayed as a function of two parameters. All files contain first a header with all relevant information, and then the data. 1D plot: Here the data is shown as one column per axis, where the first column always indicates the x-axis and the others the corresponding y-axis. 2D Plot: Here the data is given as an n x m matrix, where each data point corresponds to one pixel in the figure. The corresponding values of the x- and y-axes can be found in the header. ___________________________________ 2) Code: -The subfolder "Code_Simulation_PAT_resonant_Andreev" contains a Python script for the simulation of the conductance of photon-assisted tunneling through the resonant Andreev reflections. With this script the simulations in Fig3 and FigS9 can be reproduced. -The subfolder "Code_Modified_Tien_Gordon_FigS4" contains the Python code to reproduce the photon-assisted splitting in FigS4 according to the modified Tien-Gordon theory. We have used at least Python version 3.7.1. We recommend using the same to ensure that the code works properly.